Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Total reports exit from Foz

       do Amazonas basin in Brazil

       Total has announced that it has reached an
       agreement on September 24, 2020 to transfer to
       Petrobras its equity interest in five exploration
       blocks in the Foz do Amazonas Basin, located
       120 km offshore Brazil. These blocks are refer-
       enced as FZA-M-57, FZA-M-86, FZA-M-88,
       FZA-M-125 and FZA-M-127.
         The closing of the transaction is subject to the
       preemption rights of partners in the blocks and
       standard regulatory approvals.
       Total, September 28 2020
       Bahamas Petroleum

       announces Perseverance-1
       operational update

       In the lead-up to drilling of its first exploration
       well in The Bahamas, Perseverance-1, BPC,
       the Caribbean and Atlantic margin focused oil  services and supplies. This includes entering into  complies with BPC’s contractual obligations.
       and gas company, with exploration, produc-  a Master Service Agreement with Halliburton,   Drilling Team and Facilities Expansion: Prior
       tion, appraisal and development assets across  another important step as we progress towards  to the COVID-19 shut-down, BPC had estab-
       the region, has provided the following update  drilling. The MSA with Halliburton provides  lished a drilling field office in Houston Texas, and
       in relation to preparation for well operations.  access to services on an integrated basis from  had assembled a core Perseverance #1 drilling
       Perseverance-1, at 100% equity to BPC, is  one of the world’s pre-eminent oilfield services  team with collectively nearly 300 years of drilling
       expected to spud before Christmas 2020, and is  companies, befitting of the flagship nature of this  and project support experience. All members of
       targeting recoverable prospective resources of  project.                 this team were furloughed in March/April 2020,
       700mn-1.4bn barrels of oil.            “Alongside this our drilling team has recom-  pending resumption of drilling activities.
         Highlights: Well control and associated  menced activity, and whilst presently working   With the spud of Perseverance #1 now antic-
       insurance policies placed for Perseverance #1;  remotely, office accommodation in Texas is back  ipated prior to Christmas 2020, members of this
       expansion of dedicated drilling team and facil-  up and running for when actual drilling oper-  team have returned to work, to resume final
       ities in Houston, Texas; logistics planning and  ations are underway, at which time the team  operational planning in the run up to commenc-
       contracts progressed for a range of necessary ser-  can be physically co-located. I look forward to  ing drilling. Activities are focused on ensuring
       vices and supplies, including entry into a Master  updating shareholders on additional milestones  continuous and safe operations during this time
       Service Agreement with Halliburton for provi-  in the coming months.”    of COVID-19 interruptions, logistics planning
       sion of integrated well services for the drilling   Insurance Policy Placement: Under the  to ensure the drilling vessel is fully and efficiently
       of Perseverance #1; updated conceptual devel-  terms of BPC’s licences in The Bahamas, and in  supplied at the time of spudding and thereafter,
       opment study and associated update of potential  accordance with global best practice standards,  and ensuring all documentation, procedures,
       full-field economics reaffirms economic robust-  BPC is required to secure an extensive suite of  management systems and response plans are
       ness of the project. In a successful development  insurance policies to cover drilling operations  accurate and up to date in light of the confirmed
       scenario of the estimated Perseverance #1 P50  for Perseverance #1, including an appropriate  use of the Stena IceMAX. Most of the drilling
       resource, at $40 per barrel oil price, the project  well control policy.  team is presently working remotely, but a phys-
       would deliver an NPV10 exceeding $2.5bn, and   BPC is pleased to advise that it has now  ical field office in Houston has reopened, such
       revenues of over $5bn to the Government of The  secured all required insurances for the Perse-  that when drilling operations are underway the
       Bahamas.                            verance #1 well drilling operations. The insur-  team can be physically co-located.
         Simon Potter, CEO of BPC, said: “Last week,  ance placement, arranged by Aon UK, follows   Halliburton MSA: In August 2019, following
       we advised of an important milestone: the nomi-  an extensive independent third-party review of  extensive technical discussions and mutual due
       nation of the Stena IceMAX as our drillship facil-  BPC’s well plan, design and risk mitigation pol-  diligence, BPC received proposals (including
       ity for Perseverance #1 and the anticipated spud  icies. The insurance placement has been with a  pricing) for a range of integrated well-related ser-
       date of that well, being prior to Christmas 2020.  panel of insurers comprising of Lloyd’s of Lon-  vices, for the Perseverance #1 drilling campaign.
         “With the certainty around our forward  don and International Company markets (with  At that time, and as previously announced, BPC
       schedule, we are now able to push on with a wide  all meeting local Bahamian insurance regula-  issued a notice of award to Haliburton for pro-
       range of important planning and logistics tasks,  tions), all of which have a financial rating of A  vision of those integrated well services, as a pre-
       such as completing our insurance placement and  or higher from Standard & Poor’s. The policy  cursor step to finalising a detailed contract as is
       progressing a range of necessary contracts for  utilises internationally recognised wordings and  customary in the industry.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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