Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, in March  in the event of successful exploration and there-  being established at the BNorth Perseverance
       2020 drilling operations were rescheduled, with  after appraisal drilling campaigns. The study  #1 location, it is expected that the most likely
       the well now expected to spud prior to Christ-  was undertaken with the assistance of an inter-  resource volumes identified for the remainder
       mas 2020, as previously announced. Consistent  nationally recognised third-party consultancy  of the 70 - 80km long B Structure would be
       with that revised schedule BPC has now agreed  firm, and focused on (i) development options  largely derisked. In such a scenario it could thus
       terms for a Master Services Agreement (“MSA)  screening, (ii) development option selection,  be anticipated that one or more additional FPSO
       with Halliburton Overseas Limited (a subsidiary  definition and initial design, and (iii) develop-  developments would be required to effectively
       of Halliburton Inc).                ment capital and operating cost estimates.  drain the expanded resource base - for example
         Pursuant to the MSA, Halliburton will pro-  Over the last 8 years of detailed geological  one located at the northern end of the struc-
       vide a number of services on an integrated basis  and geophysical study, BPC has refined both its  ture, and the other at the southern end. With a
       for the drilling of Perseverance #1. This includes  view of the resource potential of the B Structure,  similar wells and subsea architecture configura-
       provision of drilling fluids, directional drilling  and in particular the BNorth segment targeted  tion, a commensurate increase in incremental
       (including measurement while drilling (MWD)  with the drilling of Perseverance #1 (P50 770mn  economic worth to the project (and revenues
       and logging while drilling (LWD) tools), cement  barrels; upside 1.44bn barrels), along with the  to the Government of The Bahamas) could be
       and cementing services, mudlogging, electric  possible range of production rates in the event  anticipated.
       logging, liner hangers and casing accessories and  of a successful development. These pre-drill esti-  Bahamas Petroleum, September 30 2020
       review of the well control plans.   mates, along with expected fluid characteristics,
         Other Significant Contracts & Activities:  water depth and distance from infrastructure   Cuba: Melbana Energy
       Prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, BPC had  have been combined to confirm the preferred
       established a logistics plan for personnel transit  development concept, being the use of a subsea   starts Block 9 drilling prep
       and crew change to and from the drillship via  wells system tied to a Floating Production Stor-
       S-92 Sikorsky helicopter with ERA Helicopters,  age Offloading (FPSO) vessel. This is a known  Melbana Energy has commenced civil works for
       and had contracted for transport of consuma-  technology operating safely up and down the  construction of the first well pad in support of
       bles, equipment and necessary supplies to the  entire Atlantic margin on both sides of the ocean.  its two well drilling programme onshore Cuba.
       drillship via a range of supply boats with Harvey   A  preferred  development  concept  for  a   This marks the beginning of field activities
       Gulf International Marine. The Master Flight  field size of approximately 0.7bn barrels would  that will support the commencement of oper-
       Services and Master Time Charter agreements  involve an initial 16 wells, with Electric Submers-  ations in Block 9; the drilling of two onshore
       in respect of both of these crucial logistics ser-  ible Pumps (ESPs), connected to subsea well-  exploration wells testing four separate targets
       vices have been reactivated, in accordance with  heads, grouped in pods of 4 wells, then flowing  with a combined Prospective Resource of 236mn
       the revised drilling schedule, for implementation  through a closed-circuit subsea flowline up indi-  barrels of oil (Best Estimate). Melbana has a 30%
       as previously envisaged.            vidual risers to the FPSO. Thereafter additional  interest in Block 9.
         Physical inspection of the Stena IceMAX and  wells would be drilled over the field life in similar   Prospectivity: Cuba has a significant and
       all associated equipment is scheduled to occur  configuration to maintain a production plateau  established hydrocarbon sector. About 97% of
       shortly, with the vessel location currently in port  and optimise FPSO throughput.  its oil production occurs in a northern belt of oil
       in Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands, Spain. A   In a successful development scenario of  production extending about 150 km to the east
       series of contracts for service providers in the  approximately 700mn barrels (i.e., of the P50  of the capital, Havana. The most significant dis-
       region will be awarded soon, to facilitate this  resource level at Perseverance #1 only), and  covery to date is the Varadero field, a heavy oil
       process.                            assuming a real $40 oil price, the project remains  field estimated to have more than 11bn barrels
         Conceptual Development Study and Update  robustly economic with an NPV10 exceeding  of oil in place. Melbana’s contract area lies to the
       Potential Economics: In anticipation of drilling  $2.5bn. In such a scenario, even at these relatively  east and on trend of this northern production
       of Perseverance #1, BPC has undertaken a study  modest oil prices, an aggregate revenue stream of  zone – close to the Varadero discovery.
       to update its view on potential full-field devel-  over $5bn would flow to the Government of The   The targets for Melbana’s proposed two well
       opment options, their potential costs in the  Bahamas in royalty income and other payments  drilling programme in Block 9 were selected fol-
       current environment, and the ultimate possible  over the life of the project.  lowing an extensive review of the available data,
       economic parameters of a full-field development   In the event of a successful development  which included several generations of seismic
                                                                                surveys, gravity studies and prior wells.
                                                                                  Melbana’s first well, Alameda-1, is targeting
                                                                                the same structure drilled in the late 1980s by
                                                                                CUPET (Cuba’s National Oil Company) with a
                                                                                well they called Marti 5, which itself was a follow
                                                                                up to Marti 1 and 2, both of which had recorded
                                                                                oil shows.
                                                                                  Marti 5 recorded oil shows over an 850-metre
                                                                                gross interval and recovered a lighter oil (24°
                                                                                API) than is typically found in Cuba.
                                                                                  In the early 2000s, CUPET revisited the Marti
                                                                                2 and Marti 5 well sites and found them to be
                                                                                leaking oil. A sample was taken from Marti 5
                                                                                and it was found to be 32 degrees API. A sec-
                                                                                ond sample taken from Marti 5 before CUPET
                                                                                plugged both wells was reported to be about 38
                                                                                degrees API.

       Week 39   01•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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