Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                the launch of its power

                                                                                solutions natural gas

                                                                                fuelling services in the
                                                                                Permian Basin

                                                                                NexTier Oilfield Solutions today announced
                                                                                the commercial launch of its Power Solutions
                                                                                division, a business dedicated to providing
                                                                                comprehensive fueling services to natural
       Summit Midstream Partners           (LNG) facility, Towanda LNG, marks the   gas-powered fleets in the Permian Basin. With
                                                                                today’s announcement, NexTier takes another
                                           company’s first expansion into the Northeast
       announces agreements to             and Mid-Atlantic market. Entering service   leap forward in our commitment to provide
                                                                                low-cost, low-carbon solutions to the oil and
                                           in January 2021, Towanda LNG has already
       resolve 2015 discovery of           produced more than one million gallons   gas industry.
                                                                                  The addition of Power Solutions integrates
                                           of LNG and has supported a wide range
       produced water release              of customers across Pennsylvania and the   the latest in compressed natural gas (CNG)
                                           broader region.
                                                                                supply and field-gas handling technologies
       Summit Midstream Partners LP (SMLP)    Located in the heart of the Marcellus   with NexTier’s existing portfolio of natural
       today announced that it has entered   shale gas production region, the Wyalusing,   gas-fueled completion services. This helps to
       into criminal and civil agreements to   PA, facility broke ground in Spring 2019.   reduce fuel costs and improve the Company’s
       resolve previously disclosed government   In December 2020, ahead of the officially   overall environmental, social and governance
       investigations into the discovery, in January   declared in-service, the facility supplied LNG   (ESG) performance at the wellsite. It is
       2015 of a discharge of produced water into   to support the bunkering of a marine vessel   accomplished by displacing a significant
       Blacktail Creek, near Marmon, North Dakota   at the Port of Hamilton in Ontario, a first on   portion of carbon-heavy diesel with cleaner,
       and failure to report the spill on a timely basis.   the Great Lakes and a major milestone in the   more cost-effective natural gas fuel.
       The discharge emanated from a ruptured   evolution of the regional shipping industry.   “As the only service company to provide
       pipeline owned by a Summit operating   With a production capacity of 50,000 gallons   alternative fuel supply as part of our integrated
       subsidiary, Meadowlark Midstream, which   per a day and approximately 180,000 gallons   completions portfolio, NexTier’s goals are
       at the time, was a subsidiary of, and operated   of on-site storage, Towanda LNG provides   more closely aligned with those of our
       by, Summit Midstream Partners, the parent   affordable and reliable LNG supplies to   customers,” said Aaron Hilber, Vice President
       entity of SMLP. The companies are now   customers ranging from commercial and   of Power Solutions at NexTier. “The key driver
       subsidiaries of SMLP, since SMLP’s acquisition  industrial users to local gas utilities and power   to achieving our mutual goals of reducing fuel
       of all the outstanding membership interests in   generation facilities.  costs and decreasing emissions is NexTier’s
       Meadowlark on March 4, 2016, and SMLP’s   “Given its location and capabilities,   ability to maximize diesel displacement.”
       acquisition of Summit Investments on May   Towanda LNG is truly well-positioned   Operations commenced with NexTier
       28, 2020.                           to provide more customers access to the   supplying CNG to one of its ESG Platinum
       SUMMIT MIDSTREAM PARTNERS LP, August   region’s cost-advantaged natural gas supplies.   frack fleets. The operation has been successful
       05, 2021                            Since the first LNG bunkering at the Port   in achieving diesel displacement rates greater
                                           of Hamilton, Towanda LNG has already   than 80% in the fleet’s dual-fuel pumps during
                                           supplied LNG for several other marine   operations, driven by integrated efficiencies
       DOWNSTREAM                          vessel bunkerings,” said Roger Williams,   and improved coordination.  Also on-site is
                                           Vice President of Commercial LNG and Gas   the Company’s proprietary pressure reduction
       Small-scale Towanda LNG             Development at BHE GT&S. “In addition to   system (PRS), which safely manages the CNG
                                                                                that was delivered to the wellsite via NexTier’s
                                           LNG supply, Pivotal LNG also offers turn-
       facility in Pennsylvania            key solutions including mobile LNG tanks   CNG trailers. This first-of-its-kind PRS skid
                                                                                boasts improved reliability and the highest
                                           with vaporisers. We’re dedicated to working
       marks Pivotal LNG’s                 with our customers to find a solution to   capacity in the market, suitable for even
                                                                                the most demanding projects. The PRS also
                                           their fuelling needs. Towanda LNG is a great
       expansion to Northeast,             addition to Pivotal’s already well-established   incorporates patent-pending technology to
                                                                                eliminate the traditional challenges associated
                                           LNG network in the Southeast.”
       supporting region with              PIVOTAL LNG, August 02, 2021         with introducing field gas into the fuel supply.
                                                                                All Power Solutions equipment is outfitted
       new and cleaner energy              SERVICES                             with NexTier’s MDT control system, enabling
                                                                                real-time visibility into every aspect of the
       solutions                                                                operation via the NexHub® Digital Center.
                                                                                NEXTIER OILFIELD SOLUTIONS, August 02,
       Pivotal LNG’s newest liquefied natural gas    NexTier announces          2021

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