Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Callon buying Primexx in Delaware boost

        TEXAS            CALLON Petroleum announced this week that   Callon cited Primexx’s strong well results and
                         it had agreed to acquire all of the leasehold inter-  established infrastructure, saying that its two-
                         ests and associated oil, gas and infrastructure  rig programme could be seamlessly integrated
                         assets of Primexx Energy Partners and its affil-  into its own multi-year development plans. The
                         iates for $788mn.                    assets include roughly 300 identified core net
                           The cash and stock transaction represents a  locations, about two-thirds of which are 2-mile
                         purchase price of around $43,800 per barrel of  (3-km) laterals. Callon said this would support
                         oil equivalent per day, Callon said. This is based  its continued shift to larger, more capital efficient
                         on Primexx’s production in the second quarter of  development projects in the Delaware Basin.
                         this year, which was estimated at around 18,000   The acquisition will also increase the propor-
                         boepd, with oil accounting for 61%. Callon will  tion of oil in Callon’s Delaware Basin production
                         pay $440mn in cash and issue about 9.2mn of its  mix.
                         shares to Primexx.                     The company noted that private equity firm
                           Privately owned, Blackstone Group-backed  Kimmeridge had agreed to convert its remaining
                         Primexx operates in the Permian Basin’s Del-  portion of Callon second lien senior notes that
                         aware sub-basin, with a contiguous footprint  were issued in 2020 into common shares after
                         of 35,000 net acres (142 square km) in Texas’  the Primexx transaction closes. This will accel-
                         Reeves County.                       erate Callon’s deleveraging timetable and will
                           “The acquisition represents a significant step  save nearly $20mn per year in interest costs, the
                         forward in Callon’s strategy to deliver long-term  company said.
                         value to shareholders through the application of   Analysts at Cowen commented that the
                         its scaled, life-of-field development model while  acquisition will add Delaware Basin scale at an
                         also strengthening its financial position,” said  attractive price, but that questions over the qual-
                         Callon in an August 4 statement. “Callon’s proven  ity of the acreage could persist.
                         ability to integrate and further optimise assets   Separately, Callon reported a second-quarter
                         in its core operating areas represents untapped  net loss of $11.7mn, or $0.25 per share, improv-
                         upside to the already attractive pro forma accre-  ing on a loss of $1.6bn, or $39.41 per share, a
                         tion to all key per share financial metrics.”  year earlier.™

       HollyFrontier to buy Sinclair Oil in $2.6bn deal

        US               REFINER HollyFrontier announced this week  approximately 4.5mn barrels of operated stor-
                         that it had agreed to acquire fellow Rocky Moun-  age. Holly Energy will also acquire Sinclair’s
                         tain region refiner Sinclair Oil from the Sinclair  interests in three pipeline joint ventures – 32.5%
                         Cos. As part of the transaction, HollyFrontier’s  in the Powder Flats pipeline, 49.9% in the Pio-
                         master limited partnership (MLP), Holly Energy  neer pipeline and 25% in the UNEV pipeline.
                         Partners, will acquire Sinclair Transportation,  Holly Energy operates the UNEV pipeline and
                         which owns Sinclair’s oil pipelines and terminal  owns the remaining 75% interest in that project.
                         assets.                                The pipelines and terminals transaction will
                           The transaction will involve the formation  consist of an equity issuance of 21mn Holly
                         of a new parent company, named HF Sinclair,  Energy common units and the payment of
                         which will replace HollyFrontier as the pub-  $325mn of cash. Based on the closing price of
                         lic company trading on the New York Stock  Holly Energy stock on July 30, this represents a
                         Exchange (NYSE).                     transaction value of around $758mn, bringing
                           At the transaction’s close, HollyFrontier  the total value of both transactions to $2.6bn.
                         shares will automatically be converted on a one-  The deal will add two refineries, a renewable
                         for-one basis into shares of common stock of HF  diesel plant and access to a branded marketing
                         Sinclair. The new company will issue roughly  network to HollyFrontier’s holdings. It is antic-
                         60.2mn shares of common stock to the Sinclair  ipated to help the company grow its renewables
                         Cos., representing 26.75% of the pro forma  business.
                         equity of HF Sinclair with a transaction value of   “This is exceptionally transformative for us
                         around $1.8bn. This is based on HollyFrontier’s  and differentiates us from other downstream
                         closing stock price on July 30.      businesses,” HollyFrontier’s CEO, Mike Jen-
                           Meanwhile, Holly Energy take over Sin-  nings, said on a conference call this week.
                         clair’s integrated crude and refined products   The transaction comes after HollyFrontier
                         pipelines and terminal assets, including around  agreed to buy Royal Dutch Shell’s Puget Sound
                         1,200 miles (1,931 km) of pipelines, eight prod-  refinery in Anacortes, Washington, for about
                         uct terminals and two crude terminals with  $500mn in May.™

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