Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Far more energy infrastructure

       needed to reach net-zero

       emissions in 2050

       A new report showing that the pace of energy infrastructure investment will

       have to accelerate fast to meet a net-zero goal

        GLOBAL           THE US Senate may be close to debating a  are readying themselves for net-zero goals.
                         $550bn infrastructure bill that includes money   In the US, infrastructure debate will continue
       WHAT:             set aside for the grid, but far more will likely have  for some time. Democrats in Washington are
       A new report showing   to be invested to achieve President Joe Biden’s  readying a $3.5 trillion budget infrastructure
       how the pace of energy   goal of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-  package that they hope to pass later this year
       infrastructure investment   sions by 2050.             without support from Republicans. The package
       would need to accelerate   Researchers at Princeton University’s  could include far more broad help for fighting
       to meet net zero.  Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environ-  climate change than is available in the pared-
                         ment, backed by Australian engineering firm  back bipartisan bill.
       WHY:              Worley, have released a new report showing
       Net zero will not be   that the pace of energy infrastructure invest-  Key shifts
       reached if energy   ment will have to accelerate fast to meet a net-  According to the report, the first shift necessary
       infrastructure    zero goal.                           is making it more attractive to invest in low-car-
       development continues at   “If we develop energy infrastructure the way  bon than high-carbon energy. Investors need
       its current pace.  we always have, we won’t get to net zero by 2050.  to feel motivated to commit and confident that
                         We might not even get half way,” said the report,  environmental and social values will be pre-
       WHAT NEXT:        From Ambition to Reality: Weaving the Threads  served, including making the energy sector a
       The infrastructure debate   of Net-zero Delivery.      more attractive employer and training people
       is expected to continue   “To reach our target we need to dramatically  from industries affected by the transition in the
       for some time in the US.  accelerate the pace and scale of how we work.  roles required to deliver and operate net-zero
                         Everyone involved in creating infrastructure  solutions.
                         needs to rethink their approach – from govern-  Land needs to be earmarked, including cor-  Democrats in
                         ments and investors, to construction companies  ridors of land for pipelines and grid infrastruc-
                         and engineers,” the report continues. “We’ll  ture, sites for terminals, ports and zero-carbon   Washington are
                         need vast amounts of new infrastructure: from  energy hubs, all zoned for large-scale devel-  readying a $3.5
                         grids and wind farms, to nuclear power plants  opment so that delays can be minimised
                         [NPPs] and facilities for sequestering carbon …  once projects start and reduce disruption to   trillion budget
                         But they demand infrastructure to be built at a  communities.
                         speed we’ve never attempted before.”  The report noted a PV project in the US that   infrastructure
                                                              is often held up as an example of project delivery
                         Global push                          – yet it took 3.5 years to build. That is too long,   package.
                         The research focuses on supply-side infrastruc-  says the report. The US would need to build
                         ture, exploring five key shifts in thinking that it  two 400-MW solar PV power stations – each
                         says are needed to deliver a net-zero transition  roughly the land area of 130 Tokyo Olympic
                         globally: broadening how value is defined; keep-  stadia – every week for the next 30 years to get
                         ing our technology options open; designing one,  to net zero, it notes.
                         building many; communicating and collaborat-  Resiliency in electrical infrastructure, grid
                         ing; and enabling and monitoring digitally. The  reliability and protection against cyber-attacks
                         combination of all five is how we can go about  must be assured. Communities must be involved
                         making net zero happen, says the report.  in the transition to net-zero, while the defini-
                           The findings are crucial because of the need  tion of value is broadened from beyond purely
                         to get to net-zero globally. About 100 countries,  economic. Governments can create certainty in
                         according to the United Nations, now have or  and for the clean-energy sector by underwriting

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