Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
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NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Oil sands giants report

       second-quarter profits

       Canada’s leading four oil sands producers have posted

       profits for the second quarter of 2021, marking a

       turnaround from losses a year ago

        CANADA           CANADA’S four leading oil sands producers –   Suncor posted a net profit of CAD868mn
                         Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL), Sun-  ($694mn), or CAD0.58 ($0.46) per share, up
       WHAT:             cor Energy, Cenovus Energy and Imperial Oil  from a net loss of CAD614mn ($491mn), or
       Canada’s four largest oil   – have all reported profits for the second quarter  CAD0.40 ($0.32) per share a year ago. The com-
       sands players achieved   of 2021. The results mark a turnaround from  pany pointed to strong oil sands production –
       profits in the second   losses suffered in the second quarter of 2020 –  including record in-situ volumes – boosting its
       quarter of 2021.  when the first wave of the coronavirus (COVID-  overall output to 699,700 barrels of oil equiva-
                         19) pandemic had the most dramatic impact.  lent per day in the second quarter. This marked a
       WHY:                Pandemic-related disruptions have contin-  year-on-year increase from 655,500 boepd, and
       Stronger oil prices and   ued, but have since become more manageable  came despite planned turnaround maintenance
       improving demand   as new restrictions are brought in and lifted on  at the Syncrude Canada facility and operational
       helped the companies’   a more piecemeal basis. Rising vaccination rates  issues at the Fort Hills mine that have pushed
       performances.     have also encouraged a reduction in other meas-  production at that project down while driving
                         ures aimed at preventing the spread of the virus,  up operating costs.
       WHAT NEXT:        allowing some travel and industrial activity to   “Suncor generated CAD2.4bn [$1.9bn] in
       Demand for oil and   resume. This, in turn, boosts demand for oil and  funds from operations in the quarter while also
       petroleum products is   refined products, which is expected to continue  completing significant turnaround activities
       expected to continue   rising.                         in the upstream and downstream businesses,”
       rising, and new takeaway   Crude prices, meanwhile, have surged by  stated Suncor’s president and CEO, Mark Little.
       capacity additions are   around 78% over the last 12 months, with West  “The improved cash generation enabled us to
       coming.           Texas Intermediate (WTI) at around $70 per  increase shareholder returns to approximately
                         barrel, though Western Canadian Select (WCS)  CAD1.0bn [$799mn], representing approxi-
                         typically trades at a discount, and is currently at  mately 40% of our funds from operations and
                         roughly $55 per barrel.              we’re targeting further debt reduction in the
                                                              latter half of the year in line with our previously
                         Second quarter                       announced capital allocation strategy.”
                         The announcements of second-quarter results   Cumulatively, Suncor and Cenovus spent
                         from the oil sands giants began last week,  close to CAD2bn ($1.6bn) on a combination of
                         with both Suncor and Cenovus reporting bet-  share buybacks, dividends and debt repayment
                         ter-than-expected profits on July 29.  in the second quarter.

                                                                                                  Suncor’s production
                                                                                                  improved despite
                                                                                                  operational issues at its
                                                                                                  Fort Hills mine.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   05•August•2021
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