Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The oil sands’
                                                                                                  prospects are being
                                                                                                  further bolstered by
                                                                                                  the upcoming start-
                                                                                                  up of two major new

                           As well as being bolstered by stronger oil  y/y and comparable with levels seen in the first
                         prices, Cenovus saw its revenues rise thanks to  quarter of this year.
                         its acquisition of Husky Energy, which closed   Imperial, which is majority-owned by Exx-
                         in the first quarter of this year. The company  onMobil, posted a net profit of CAD366mn
                         reported revenues of CAD10.6bn ($8.5bn)  ($293mn) for the second quarter, up from a
                         for the second quarter of this year, up from  loss of CAD526mn ($421mn) a year ago, but
                         CAD2.2bn ($1.7bn) in the same quarter of 2020.  down 7% from CAD392mn ($313mn) in the
                         Cenovus’ net profit for the latest quarter came in  first quarter of this year. This was attributed to
                         at CAD224mn ($179mn), up from a net loss of  planned turnaround activity and weaker real-
                         CAD235mn ($188mn) a year ago.        ised margins in Imperial’s downstream business.
                           “Our results underscore the earnings power   However, the company continued to post
                         of the combined company as we further inte-  strong output from its largest asset, the Kearl oil
                         grate and deliver on our expanded asset base,”  sands mine. Indeed, Imperial said that owing
                         said Cenovus’ president and CEO, Alex Pour-  to improved reliability it was switching to one
                         baix. “We posted a strong second quarter and  turnaround per year at Kearl and cancelling
                         expect to accelerate deleveraging in the second  maintenance planned for this autumn. It has
                         half of this year.”                  raised full-year production guidance for 2021
                           Cenovus spent much of the additional cash it  to 265,000 bpd, from 255,000 bpd previously.
                         generated in the second quarter to drive down
                         its net debt by roughly CAD1bn. The company  What next?
                         reported production of 765,900 boepd for the  These results come despite a recent surge of
                         quarter, up 65% from 465,415 boepd a year ago.  COVID-19 infections in the oil sands during
                           Announcements from Imperial and CNRL  the second quarter. This wave of infections com-  Canada’s oil
                         followed in the days after Suncor and Cenovus  plicated an already busy maintenance season for
                         unveiled their results. CNRL reported a net  oil sands producers, some of whom had delayed   exports are
                         profit of CAD1.6bn ($1.2bn), up from a loss  maintenance work last year amid the initial wave   booming, rising
                         of CAD310mn ($248mn) in the same quarter  of the pandemic.
                         of 2020. This translated into adjusted earn-  Thus rising production figures were still   by 25.7% in
                         ings of CAD1.24 ($0.99) per share, beating  somewhat constrained and have further poten-
                         analysts’ expectations of CAD0.92 ($0.74) per  tial to grow. Progress on the Line 3 replacement  June, following a
                         share, according to Refinitiv IBES data cited by  and Trans Mountain expansion pipeline pro-
                         Reuters.                             jects also bodes well for future oil sands output   slowdown in April
                           CNRL said it would plan to set aside 50%  growth as new takeaway capacity is added.  and May.
                         of free cash flow (FCF) for share repurchases   Enbridge said last week that the Line 3
                         once it reaches CAD15bn ($12bn) in debt,  replacement is set to be in service by the end of
                         which is anticipated to happen in the fourth  the year, adding around 370,000 bpd of export
                         quarter.                             capacity, despite a last-ditch effort by the pipe-
                           The company also unveiled new environ-  line’s opponents to derail it in court. The Trans
                         mental targets, saying it would target a 50%  Mountain expansion, meanwhile, is now being
                         reduction in methane emissions from its North  targeted for start-up by the end of 2022.
                         America exploration and production business   Even now, though, Canada’s oil exports are
                         by 2030 compared with 2016 levels.   booming, rising by 25.7% in June, following a
                           CNRL’s North American liquids production  slowdown in April and May, according to Sta-
                         reached 478,314 barrels per day (bpd), up 16%  tistics Canada.™

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