Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Super-majors beat

       profit expectations

        US               US-HEADQUARTERED super-majors Chev-
                         ron and ExxonMobil both beat analyst expecta-
                         tions with their latest quarterly results.
                           Chevron reported adjusted earnings of
                         $3.3bn, or $1.71 per share, during the second
                         quarter of 2021, with revenue coming in at
                         $37.6bn. Analysts had been expecting the com-
                         pany to earn $1.59 per share on $35.94bn in rev-
                         enue, according to estimates from Refinitiv.
                           ExxonMobil, meanwhile, reported earnings
                         of $4.7bn, or $1.10 per share, on $67.7bn worth
                         of revenue. According to Refinitiv, this was
                         compared with analyst expectation of $0.99 per
                         share, and $66.8bn worth of revenue.
                           Both super-majors bounced back from losses
                         in the second quarter of 2020 – when the impact
                         of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
                         was at its most pronounced and US oil prices
                         briefly dipped into negative territory. Chevron’s
                         adjusted loss for the second quarter of 2020 came
                         in at $2.9bn, or $1.56 per share, while ExxonMo-
                         bil reported a loss of $1.1bn, or $0.26 per share,
                         for that quarter.
                           By contrast, West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
                         prices are currently around $70 per barrel, while
                         Brent is trading at roughly $72 per barrel, allow-
                         ing major producers to boost their profits.
                           Both companies’ results also mark an
                         improvement on their figures from the first
                         quarter of this year, when they already appeared
                         to have turned a corner by reporting profits after  saw its best quarter in company history.
                         earlier losses. And their latest announcements   Chevron produced 3.13mn barrels of oil
                         signal confidence in their future earnings.  equivalent per day during the second quarter
                           Indeed, Chevron said it was reinstating its  of the year, while ExxonMobil reported output
                         share repurchase programme in a sign of opti-  of 3.6mn boepd. In the latter’s case, this was a
          Both super-    mism for the coming months.          decrease of 2% on the same quarter of 2020,
                           “Our free cash flow [FCF] was the highest in  which ExxonMobil attributed to increased
          majors saw     two years due to solid operational and financial  maintenance activity.
          mounting       performance and lower capital spending,” Chev-  The results came after a quarter during which
                         ron’s chairman and CEO, Mike Wirth, stated.  both super-majors saw mounting pressure to
       pressure to make   “We will resume share repurchases in the third  make decarbonisation of their operations more
                                                              of a priority. In May, Chevron shareholders voted
                         quarter at an expected rate of $2-3bn per year.”
                           Meanwhile, ExxonMobil’s chairman and  in favour of a proposal to cut Scope 3 emissions
       decarbonisation   CEO, Darren Woods, noted rising demand  – those generated by the use of the company’s
           of their      and the improvements his company had imple-  products. Chevron executives said in the com-
       operations more   mented during the first year of the pandemic.  pany’s earnings call that it would provide more
                           “Positive momentum continued during the  detail on its decarbonisation plans in an energy
         of a priority.  second quarter across all of our businesses as the  transition spotlight event that will be held in
                         global economic recovery increased demand  September.
                         for our products,” said Woods. “We’re realis-  Meanwhile, an activist investor, Engine No.
                         ing significant benefits from an improved cost  1, succeeded in having three of its nominees
                         structure, solid operating performance and  elected to ExxonMobil’s board as it puts pressure
                         low-cost-of-supply investments that, together,  onto the super-major to step up its decarboni-
                         are generating attractive returns and strong cash  sation efforts. ExxonMobil talked up its energy
                         flow to fund our capital programme, pay the div-  transition initiatives in its second-quarter
                         idend and reduce debt.”              release, saying its Low Carbon Solutions busi-
                           Woods added that this was particularly true  ness had advanced “multiple CCS opportunities
                         of the super-major’s chemical business, which  and low-emission fuels initiatives”.™

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