Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Court orders further regulatory analysis

       on two Texas LNG projects

        TEXAS            THE US Circuit Court of Appeals for the DC  Rio Grande LNG. A third proposed LNG termi-
                         Circuit ruled this week that the environmental  nal, Annova LNG, had initially been included in
                         analyses supporting regulatory approvals for two  the lawsuit, but that project was scrapped earlier
                         proposed Texas-based LNG export projects were  this year.
                         deficient.                             The plaintiffs claimed that the FERC had
                           While the court did not revoke the approvals,  violated NEPA because it anchored its author-
                         it did rule that the US Federal Energy Regulatory  isations for the projects in faulty environ-
                         Commission (FERC) needed to carry out further  mental reviews of the projects’ greenhouse
                         analysis on the impacts of the two projects on cli-  gas (GHG) emissions. They alleged that the
                         mate change and low-income or minority com-  facilities would “have higher greenhouse gas
       Both projects would be   munities in Cameron County, Texas.  emissions than nearly every other project
       located at the Port of   A unanimous panel at the appeals court ruled  FERC has reviewed”.
       Brownsville.      that the FERC had violated the National Envi-  The court agreed that the regulator had failed
                         ronmental Policy Act (NEPA) with the deficient  to respond to “significant” opposing viewpoints
                         environmental analyses on the Texas LNG and  concerning the adequacy of its analyses of the
                         Rio Grande LNG projects.             projects’ GHG emissions.
                           Both projects would be located at the Port of   “This decision clearly demonstrates that the
                         Brownsville in South Texas, where local oppo-  Commission has the authority and obligation to
                         sition to their construction has been stronger  meaningfully analyse and consider the impacts
                         compared to other projects in different parts of  from [GHG] missions and impacts to environ-
                         the state. Local community groups opted last  mental justice communities,” said the FERC’s
                         year to contest the FERC’s authorisations of the  chairman, Richard Glick, who had dissented
                         two projects in court, as well as the approval for  against the projects’ approval when the regulator
                         the Rio Bravo gas pipeline, which would serve  issued its authorisations.™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Tellurian’s latest offtake deal almost

       covers Driftwood LNG first phase

        LOUISIANA        US LNG developer Tellurian announced last  focus on financing the project. The company is
                         week that it had signed a sales and purchase  targeting early 2022 for giving its engineering,
                         agreement (SPA) with Royal Dutch Shell for  procurement and construction (EPC) contrac-
                         offtake from its planned Driftwood LNG export  tor, Bechtel, notice to proceed.
                         terminal in Louisiana.                 Driftwood would have a total capacity of
                           The SPA is the third that Tellurian has final-  27.6mn tpy from up to 20 small liquefaction
                         ised in the past 10 weeks and brings the compa-  trains built in four phases. The company has
                         ny’s total offtake commitments to 9mn tonnes  now opted for a first phase consisting of two
                         per year – covering almost all of Driftwood’s first  plants, each with four trains – the smaller of
                         phase of 9.2mn tpy.                  two options it had been considering for this
                           The deal covers the sale of 3mn tpy of LNG  phase.
                         to Shell over a 10-year period – similar to   The SPA comes shortly after Tellurian and
                         agreements with commodity traders Vitol and  France’s TotalEnergies recently terminated a
                         Gunvor that Tellurian has announced in recent  supply agreement that would have also seen the
                         weeks. In line with those two agreements,  French company become an equity participant
                         the LNG that will be supplied to Shell will be  in Driftwood. In a filing with the US Securities
                         indexed to a combination of two indices – the  and Exchange Commission (SEC) last month,
                         Japan Korea Marker (JKM) and the Dutch Title  Tellurian said the agreement had been cancelled
                         Transfer Facility (TTF), each netted back for  because it was “not consistent” with the com-
                         transportation charges.              mercial deals it had signed with other parties.
                           Tellurian said the offtake agreements are  This also illustrates its shift away from an equi-
                         sufficient to support the launching of its first  ty-based financing model for Driftwood to one
                         two plants at Driftwood and that it would now  based on offtake agreements.™

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