Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Profits roll in for shale drillers

        US               SHALE drillers are reporting their results for  $1.71 per share, up from a loss of $2.4bn in the
                         the second quarter of 2020, and profits are  same quarter of 2020.
                         piling up. This comes as a result of stronger   Diamondback’s second-quarter production
                         oil demand and prices, thereby helping to lift   reached 401,500 boepd on average, and the com-
                         profits.                             pany said it was raising its guidance for the whole
                           However, the shale industry still appears to  of 2021 from 350,000-360,000 boepd to 363,000-
                         be moving cautiously, rather than attempting  370,000 boepd.
                         to rapidly ramp up production. Given what   Continental, meanwhile, reported sec-
                         the industry has been through in recent years,  ond-quarter net income of $289.3mn, or $0.79
                         and the ongoing pressure from investors to  per share, compared with a net loss of $239.3mn
                         demonstrate capital discipline, this comes as no  in the same quarter of 2020.
                         surprise.                              Continental’s oil and gas production rose
                           Among those reporting profits were Permian  from 202,815 boepd a year ago to 338,699 boepd
                         Basin giant Pioneer Natural Resources, which  in the latest quarter.         The shale
                         posted second-quarter net income of $380mn,   Also notable were moves being made in
                         up from a loss of $449mn a year ago and a loss of  relation to dividends and share repurchases.   industry still
                         $70mn in the first quarter of 2021.  For example, Pioneer announced an inaugural
                           The company is benefiting from integrating  variable dividend of $1.51 per share that will be   appears to
                         major acquisitions into its portfolio, having  paid during the third quarter. Meanwhile, Dia-
                         taken over Parsley Energy at the start of the year  mondback said it was hiking its annual dividend   be moving
                         and then following this up with its purchase of  by 12.5% to $1.80 per share. And Continental   cautiously, rather
                         DoublePoint Energy in May.           said it was resuming its $1bn share repurchase
                           “Pioneer delivered a strong quarter as we  programme, with $317mn of share repurchases   than attempting
                         integrated DoublePoint operations into our asset  having previously been executed.
                         base, while continuing to execute one of the most   Those moves are being seen as evidence that  to rapidly ramp
                         efficient capital programmes in the industry,”  shale producers continue to prioritise share-
                         stated Pioneer’s CEO, Scott Sheffield.  holder returns, rather than ramping up spend-  up production.
                           Pioneer’s second-quarter sales volumes  ing to raise production. This comes despite the
                         amounted to 629,468 barrels of oil equivalent per  continued strength of crude prices, which are at
                         day, up from 374,563 boepd a year ago.  their highest levels since 2018.
                           Pioneer’s results met analyst expectations,   Another oil producer with shale opera-
                         while other major shale producers includ-  tions, Hess, said last week that it could take US
                         ing Diamondback Energy and Continental  oil production more than four years to return
                         Resources beat analyst forecasts. Diamondback –  to pre-pandemic levels. Hess also reiterated
                         which also focuses heavily on the Permian Basin  its commitment to its previous spending plan
                         – posted a second-quarter profit of $311mn, or  despite rising demand for oil.™

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