Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              the lowest possible emissions-equivalent   improved 1% sequentially to $142 million,
                                           barrels. Our carbon capture and storage joint   with a 28% increase in international Fluids
       Talos Energy announces              venture with Storegga takes this commitment   Systems revenues and a 15% improvement
                                                                                in Industrial Solutions rental and service
                                           a step further and turns our focus toward
       second-quarter 2021 results         lowering industrial emissions in the   revenues offsetting the previously anticipated
                                           communities where we work and live. CCS is
                                                                                pullback in Industrial Solutions product sales.
       Talos Energy today announced its operational   a rapidly-growing space that we believe will   NEWPARK RESOURCES, August 03, 2021
       and financial results for the second quarter of   benefit from leveraging our experience with
       2021.                               conventional geology to sequester carbon and
         President and chief executive officer   a great avenue for us to also apply our offshore  MIDSTREAM
       Timothy S. Duncan commented: “Our   operations skill sets to participate in more
       team’s execution in the second quarter was   diversified energy solutions.”  Williams announces
       exceptional. We had record production of over   TALOS ENERGY, August 03, 2021
       66 MBoe/d for the second quarter in a row as                             agreement on deepwater
       well as very strong Adjusted EBITDA margins
       of over $36 per Boe, before the impact of   UPSTREAM                     Whale project
       hedges, which speaks to the strength of what
       our oil-weighted assets can deliver in the   Newpark Resources reports   Williams announced today that it has
       current commodity environment. The second                                reached an agreement with Shell Offshore
       quarter is typically our most capital intensive   second-quarter 2021 results  and Chevron USA to provide offshore
       quarter as we take advantage of our best                                 natural gas gathering and crude oil
       weather offshore, and the projects executed   Newpark Resources today announced results   transportation services as well as onshore
       in the second quarter and early third quarter   for its second quarter ended June 30, 2021.   natural gas processing services for the Whale
       have laid the foundation for the second half   Total revenues for the second quarter of 2021   development located approximately 10 miles
       of the year and plans for 2022. We recently   were $142.2 million compared to $141.2   from the Shell-operated Perdido host facility.
       announced the successful Tornado Attic well,   million for the first quarter of 2021 and $101.9   Williams plans to expand its existing
       which will add solid incremental production   million for the second quarter of 2020. Net   Gulf of Mexico offshore infrastructure via a
       in the third quarter, and we look forward to   loss for the second quarter of 2021 was $6.0   25-mile gas lateral pipeline build from the
       starting our Pompano rig program in the   million, or ($0.07) per share, compared to a   Whale platform to the existing Perdido gas
       coming weeks as well. We have re-affirmed   net loss of $5.4 million, or ($0.06) per share,   pipeline and a new 125-mile oil pipeline to the
       our operational and financial guidance and   for the first quarter of 2021, and a net loss of   existing Williams-owned GA-A244 junction
       expect meaningful free cash flow generation   $26.2 million, or ($0.29) per share, for the   platform. The natural gas will be transported
       in the second half of the year.”    second quarter of 2020.              to Williams’ Markham gas processing plant
         Duncan continued: “More broadly, I   Second quarter 2021 results include a $1.0   located in Matagorda, TX. First production is
       also believe the second quarter provided   million pre-tax gain in the Industrial Solutions  expected to come online in 2024.
       a roadmap of our strategic direction as a   segment ($0.01 per share after-tax) related   “Our asset synergies in the Gulf of Mexico
       company with a diversified approach in   to a legal settlement as well as $0.6 million of   are second to none, and we are pleased to
       providing low-cost energy with the lowest   pre-tax charges in the Fluids Systems segment   strengthen our existing onshore and offshore
       possible environmental impact. We want to   ($0.01 per share after-tax) related to severance   infrastructure to further serve the growing
       responsibly grow our hydrocarbons business   costs.                      needs of deepwater producers,” said Micheal
       through thoughtful capital allocation of   Paul Howes, Newpark’s president and chief   Dunn, chief operating officer at Williams.
       development projects and high impact   executive officer, stated, “Our second quarter   “The development of Whale expands
       exploration around our infrastructure, as well   results reflect another step forward in our   Williams’ footprint in the Gulf by contracting
       as continuing to look for strategic acquisition   strategy execution, as we continue to reshape   one of the largest discoveries in the past
       targets. However, even as we expand our asset   and position the company for sustainable and   decade and creating future connection
       base, we will continue to focus on producing   profitable growth. Consolidated revenues   opportunities for producers that will capture
                                                                                the full value of these important deepwater
                                                                                  Williams’ assets in the Gulf of Mexico offer
                                                                                producers the full value chain of capabilities –
                                                                                including gathering, transmission, processing,
                                                                                and fractionation. Williams owns and
                                                                                operates 3,500 miles of natural gas and oil
                                                                                gathering and transmission pipeline, along
                                                                                with 1.8 billion cubic feet per day of cryogenic
                                                                                processing capacity and 60,000 barrels per day
                                                                                of fractionation capacity that span the Gulf
                                                                                of Mexico. The company has ownership in
                                                                                two floating production platforms, multiple
                                                                                fixed leg utility platforms and numerous other
                                                                                related facilities.
                                                                                WILLIAMS, August 04, 2021

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