Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         investments; underpinning clean-energy mar-  contracts with transparent, auditable margins,”
                         kets; setting low-carbon targets to motivate the  says the report. Businesses might lose some
                         private sector; and providing companies with a  competitive advantage, but there is plenty of
                         safety net through their policies.   net-zero transition work to go round, say the
                           Secondly, societies must develop all possible  researchers, citing the successful global collab-
                         low-carbon technology options. Start the tran-  orative work on the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         sition now, with the low-carbon technologies  vaccine.
                         that are ready – such as wind and solar – while   Fifthly, the report asserts that digital tech-
                         investing in those still emerging, like hydrogen  nology will make the net-zero transition more
                         and direct air capture, says the report. “We need  efficient – to make sure projects are perform-
                         to take a portfolio approach to net zero so that  ing optimally or if future projects need to be
                         we use multiple technologies to lower emis-  improved. If people can log into a digital plat-
                         sions,” it continues.                form and see real-time data that depicts the
                           For green hydrogen, the report notes that it  direct effects of the net-zero transition, their
                         is currently more expensive than higher-emis-  trust in the process will grow, say the research-
                         sions options; it needs large volumes of water;  ers. They’ll understand why landscapes are
                         and transporting it can be complicated. That  changing around them, and they’ll know it’s
                         said, the researchers say that it could be trans-  for something that will ultimately benefit them,
                         formative in industries where decarbonising  they suggest.
                         is not straightforward. For example, the steel                             The first shift
                         industry turns iron ore into steel using cok-  What next?
                         ing coal, which can be replaced with hydro-  Data will play a key role in convincing stake-  necessary is
                         gen. Similarly, hydrogen fuel cells may offer  holders to commit to financing infrastructure.   making it more
                         advantages over electrification for heavy-duty  Energy supply and demand is also balanced dig-
                         transport.                           itally, for example aggregating homes’ rooftop   attractive to
                           Thirdly, net-zero projects must be standard-  solar into virtual power plants. And technology
                         ised so they can be executed more quickly and  can simulate a finished power plant.  invest in low-
                         built in parallel. Governments could underwrite   Blockchain can guarantee that a molecule of
                         developments to build confidence in the pipe-  green hydrogen comes from a zero-emissions   carbon than high-
                         line of future projects and also to give confi-  source or it can track low-carbon aluminium.   carbon energy.
                         dence to the supply chain.           Artificial intelligence and machine learning can
                           Fourthly, communication must be global and  enhance the matching of supply and demand in
                         collaborative. Governments need to set ambi-  electricity markets, making them more effective.
                         tions, define goals and enact legislation that   It is a tall order. But Chris Ashton, chief exec-
                         creates the market forces to drive the desired  utive officer of Worley, is optimistic: “Humanity
                         low-carbon behaviours. They can incentivise  has risen to monumental challenges before and,
                         this in various ways: access to capital markets,  working together, we can do it again,” he says
                         entry to carbon markets and tax breaks.  in the report. As Bloomberg notes, Worley is an
                           Countries and companies need to work  innovator; its projects include green hydrogen
                         together. “We must start sharing. Ideas. Patents.  plant and a steel facility in Belgium with a goal of
                         Processes. Designs. We need to see open-book  recycling CO2 emissions into ethanol biofuel.™

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