Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       success and progress of our oil and natural gas   acquisition is in addition to the company’s   characterisation and CO2 sequestration.
       industry,” said Lisa Baiton, incoming CAPP   $5,100,000 acquisition in the Haynesville   Enterprise would develop the CO2
       president and CEO. “We are at a time when   announced on April 19, 2022 and will also   aggregation and transportation network
       the world is grappling with the unprecedented   be funded with a combination of cash on   utilising a combination of new and existing
       challenges of ensuring energy security and   hand and borrowings under our existing   pipelines along its expansive Gulf Coast
       achieving GHG emission targets in the face   credit facility. The company continues to   footprint. OLCV, through its 1PointFive
       of consumer demand for affordable and   expand its presence in the Haynesville while   business unit, is developing sequestration
       reliable energy. CAPP will be a constructive   preserving the strength of our balance sheet.   hubs on the Gulf Coast and across the US,
       and solution-oriented partner to address   The transaction is subject to certain closing   some of which are expected to be anchored by
       these collective, global challenges. Canadian   conditions and is expected to close by May 13,   direct air capture (DAC) facilities. The hubs
       producers are uniquely positioned to be   2022.                          will provide access to high quality pore space
       secure suppliers of sustainable energy and   PHX MINERALS, April 25, 2022  and efficient transportation infrastructure,
       global leaders in GHG emission reduction                                 bringing more options to emitters looking to
       through the advancement of technologies.”                                explore viable carbon management strategies.
         “On behalf of CAPP’s board of governors,   ENERGY TRANSITION           Enterprise and OLCV have begun exploring
       I’d like to welcome Lisa on board.” said                                 the commercialisation of the potential joint
       Bryksa. “At the same time, I’d like to thank our   Enterprise and Oxy Low   service offering with customers.
       outgoing president and CEO, Tim McMillan,                                  “For many years, Enterprise and Oxy
       for his leadership and stewardship over the   Carbon Ventures sign letter   have successfully collaborated in developing
       past eight years. We wish Tim all the best in                            traditional oil and gas projects,” said AJ
       his future endeavours.”             of intent for Gulf Coast             “Jim” Teague, co-chief executive officer of
         Russell Reynolds Associates was engaged                                Enterprise’s general partner. “We are excited to
       by the CAPP board of governors to conduct   CO2 transportation and       evolve that relationship with OLCV to provide
       the CEO search.                                                          reliable and cost-efficient CO2 transportation
       CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM   sequestration project                and sequestration services to advance a low-
       PRODUCERS, April 27, 2022                                                carbon economy for the energy capital of the
                                           Enterprise Products Operating, a subsidiary   world.”
       PHX Minerals announces              of Enterprise Products Partners, and   Enterprise to develop a sequestration solution
                                                                                  “We look forward to collaborating with
                                           Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, a subsidiary
       acquisition in the                  of Occidental, today announced they   to help industrial emitters reach their net-zero
                                                                                goals,” said Richard Jackson, president, US
                                           have executed a letter of intent to work
       Haynesville                         toward a potential carbon dioxide (CO2)   onshore resources and carbon management,
                                           transportation and sequestration solution
                                                                                operations, Occidental. “We believe that
       PHX Minerals today announced a mineral   for the Texas Gulf Coast. The joint project   our low-carbon strategy enhances Oxy’s
       and royalty acquisition targeting the   would initially be focused on providing   business value and creates a path to net zero
       Haynesville play in Louisiana. PHX has agreed  services to emitters in the industrial   for ourselves while providing organisations
       to acquire approximately 477 net royalty acres   corridors from the greater Houston to   everywhere with the tools they need to
       located in three contiguous sections operated   Beaumont/Port Arthur areas. The initiative   achieve net-zero or net-negative emissions.”
       by Chesapeake for aggregate consideration   would combine Enterprise’s leadership   ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATING AND OXY
       of $4,300,000 in cash from a private seller   position in the midstream energy sector with   LOW CARBON VENTURES, April 25, 2022
       subject to customary closing adjustments. The   OLCV’s extensive experience in subsurface

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   28•April•2022
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