Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              our offshore resources in a sustainable and   during the first quarter, including attaining
                                           responsible way to ensure the protection   investment grade credit ratings, paying
       Moratorium extended on              of our environment and our economy. The   down all of our 2022 senior note maturities,
                                           Georges Bank moratorium is an example of
                                                                                repurchasing a significant amount of shares
       oil and gas activities in           that commitment in action.           under our buyback authorisation and
                                                                                returning cash to our shareholders through
                                           NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA, April 27, 2022
       Georges Bank                                                             our recently instated base dividend. Given the
                                                                                positive fundamental backdrop for natural
       Healthy oceans and waterways ensure   UPSTREAM                           gas prices, we are raising the mid-point of our
       prosperous local economies for communities                               2022 free cash flow outlook by approximately
       from coast to coast to coast. The Government   Yangarra announces 2022   50% to $2.35bn.”
       of Canada is focused on protecting diverse                                 Rice continued: “We also unveiled our
       ecosystems and the good jobs that rely on   first-quarter financial and   Unleash US LNG plan, which has been met
       them.                                                                    with resoundingly positive feedback from our
         Today, the Honourable Jonathan    operating results                    stakeholders. Growing US LNG exports is
       Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources,                                the largest green initiative on the planet, with
       and the Honourable Tory Rushton, Nova   Yangarra Resources announces its financial   the ability to lower emissions at a rate equal
       Scotia’s Minister of Natural Resources and   and operating results for the three months   to the combined impact of every domestic
       Renewables, announced that they have   ended March 31, 2022.             mainstream green solution while providing
       decided to extend the statutory moratorium   During the first quarter of 2022, Yangarra   energy security to the world. EQT is uniquely
       on oil and gas activities in the Canadian   generated funds flow from operations of   positioned to play a key role in meeting global
       portion of Georges Bank to December 31,   $39.8mn ($0.46 per basic share), while   energy demand growth as the largest natural
       2032.                               generating net income of $22.7mn ($0.26 per   gas producer in the US with an investment
         Georges Bank, a large ocean bank at the   basic share). By maintaining a disciplined   grade balance sheet, multi-decade inventory
       edge of the Atlantic continental shelf between   capital program and only spending $21.3mn,   and a leading emissions profile. We have
       Cape Cod and Nova Scotia, provides habitat   the company was able to reduce adjusted net   made additional progress on our ESG strategy
       for a wide range of fish, marine mammals and   debt by $18.3mn. The company generated   this year and feel confident in our ability to
       corals. As one of the world’s most productive   $20.20/boe of free funds flow. Yangarra   achieve our emissions reduction goals by or
       fishing grounds, Georges Bank also supports   expects to maintain its previously guided   before 2025. We will continue to demonstrate
       thousands of jobs and vital commercial   capital budget for the remainder of the year   stewardship in delivering a sustainable energy
       fisheries.                          and at prevailing commodity prices, adjusted   source that meets the world’s growing energy
         The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore   net debt should continue to improve on a   demands with affordable, reliable and clean
       Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation   quarterly basis.             natural gas.”
       Act and its mirror provincial legislation   YANGARRA RESOURCES, April 27, 2022  EQT, April 27, 2022
       (collectively referred to as the Accord Acts)
       provides both federal and provincial ministers   EQT reports first-quarter
       with authorities to prohibit oil and gas                                 MIDSTREAM
       activities in this sensitive area. The Accord   2022 results
       Acts also provides for the possibility of further                        Permian Highway Pipeline
       extensions up to a period of 10 years each   EQT today announced financial and
       through subsequent ministerial notices.  operational results for the first quarter 2022.  announces binding open
         The governments of Canada and Nova   President and CEO Toby Rice stated:
       Scotia remain committed to developing   “We achieved several significant milestones   season for expansion


                                                                                Permian Highway Pipeline (PHP) today
                                                                                announced a binding open season to solicit
                                                                                commitments for an expansion project on its
                                                                                system. Upon achieving a final investment
                                                                                decision (FID), the project will increase PHP’s
                                                                                capacity by nearly 650mn cubic feet per
                                                                                day (mmcf per day). A foundation shipper
                                                                                has already executed long-term binding
                                                                                transportation agreements for half of this
                                                                                expansion capacity.
                                                                                  The project will involve primarily
                                                                                compression expansions on PHP to increase
                                                                                natural gas deliveries from the Waha area to
                                                                                multiple mainline connections, Katy, Texas
                                                                                and various US Gulf Coast markets. Pending
                                                                                additional customer commitments, the target

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   28•April•2022
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