Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         a change in course under the incoming Biden  be offset by higher oil prices boosting activity
                         administration kept some producers from bid-  elsewhere in the state.
                         ding in the lease sale. However, there were also   Nonetheless, the move has come under fire
                         other factors to consider, including a broader  from supporters of increased US oil and gas
                         shift in focus from more challenging regions  production against the backdrop of new global
                         such as Alaska to shale plays in the Lower 48  energy security concerns in the wake of the
                         states. It is also worth noting that lease sales  Ukraine war. Among them was US Senator for
                         held by the Trump administration in other  Alaska Dan Sullivan, who accused Biden of not
                         regions, including the US Gulf of Mexico, were  doing everything he can to ease gasoline prices
                         also characterised by fairly muted interest from  by blocking potential oil production from part
                         producers as they sought to maximise output  of the NPR-A.
                         from existing operations ahead of committing   Meanwhile, Alaska’s producers are grap-
                         to new drilling.                     pling with various other issues specific to their
                           As producers in Alaska had anticipated, Biden  projects. For example, ConocoPhillips is hav-  According
                         reversed course on Trump’s move to open up the  ing to undergo a new regulatory review for its
                         ANWR to drilling, quickly imposing a morato-  planned Willow project in the NPR-A after a   to the BLM’s
                         rium on leasing in the refuge and subsequently  federal judge voided the original environmental   announcement,
                         suspending existing leases there in June 2021.  approval for the project last year.
                         Now, the Biden administration is taking steps   ConocoPhillips also finds itself being scruti-  the NPR-A will
                         to reverse course on Trump’s policy to open up  nised over a recent natural gas leak at its Alpine
                         more of the NPR-A to oil and gas activity as well.  field, which has led to Democrat lawmakers   now revert to
                           According to the BLM’s announcement, the  raising concerns over how the company would
                         NPR-A will now revert to being managed under  respond if a similar incident occurred at Willow.  being managed
                         the 2013 IAP, while certain measures from the   Separately, Oil Search, which was taken over   under the 2013
                         2020 IAP aimed at protecting endangered wild-  by Australia’s Santos late last year, is running
                         life will be incorporated into the plan. Leasing  into complications at its planned Pikka project   IAP.
                         and drilling will be restricted to around half of  owing to a dispute with ConocoPhillips over
                         the reserve, which spans 23mn acres (93,078  road access. (See NorthAmOil Week 16) Santos
                         square km) in total.                 has maintained that the dispute does not affect
                                                              its plans for Pikka – which includes potentially
                         What next?                           selling its entire 51% stake in the project. But
                         The move to restrict leasing in the NPR-A rep-  these examples and others illustrate that on both
                         resents one further obstacle for Alaska’s produc-  the individual project and broader policy levels,
                         ers to contend with, though some analysts have  there are considerable challenges to navigate for
                         downplayed its impact, saying they expect it to  Alaska’s producers.™

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