Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       More obstacles in Alaska as

       Biden administration restricts

       NPR-A leasing

       The administration of US President Joe Biden has overturned a Trump-era

       policy to open up more of the NPR-A to drilling

        ALASKA           THE administration of US President Joe Biden  dominance. However, it was only during his last
                         is making changes in Alaska. This week, the  month in office that his administration finalised
       WHAT:             Bureau of Land Management (BLM), part of the  a plan to open up more than 80% of the reserve
       The Biden administration   US Department for the Interior (DoI), unveiled  to oil and gas leasing.
       has overturned a Trump-  a decision on the management of the National   This came too late for the Trump adminis-
       era policy opening up   Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). The deci-  tration to hold any lease sales that included the
       more of the National   sion will see the government revert to manage-  newly available NPR-A land. However, had the
       Petroleum Reserve-  ment policies for the reserve from the era of  administration had time to hold a lease sale, the
       Alaska (NPR-A) to oil and   former president Barack Obama. This overturns  results might have proved disappointing, based
       gas leasing.      a push by Obama’s successor, former president  on the results of other lease sales held during
                         Donald Trump, to open up more of the NPR-A  Trump’s presidency. His term in office coincided
       WHY:              to drilling.                         with lower crude prices and the emergence of
       The administration has   The move comes as no great surprise. The  pressure on producers to demonstrate more
       reverted to Obama-era   BLM had been reviewing the 2020 Integrated  financial discipline.
       management policies for   Activity Plan (IAP) for the region, and Biden   Another lease sale held in Alaska in the final
       the reserve, which still   has tended to align more closely with Obama,  days of the Trump administration attracted con-
       leaves roughly half open   under whom he served as vice president, on fed-  siderably less interest than the government had
       for leasing.      eral policy on oil and gas leasing and drilling.  anticipated. That sale opened up leasing within
                         However, the change represents an additional  the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)
       WHAT NEXT:        hurdle for oil and gas producers in Alaska, as  for the first time. The Trump administration
       This comes as various   various companies are currently struggling with  had been banking on raising $1.8bn from two
       Alaskan oil and gas   obstacles related to specific projects in the state.  ANWR lease sales over a decade, but that first
       operators continue to                                  lease sale only attracted $14.4mn in high bids,
       struggle with obstacles   Reversing course             with the majority coming from a development
       affecting individual   Trump had pushed for an expansion of leasing in  corporation owned by the State of Alaska.
       projects.         the NPR-A as part of his broader policy of energy   Given the timing, it is likely that jitters over

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