Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Schlumberger posts increased first-

       quarter profit on increased drilling

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD  services  giant  Schlumberger  stronger margins as drilling activity picks up
                         reported a higher first-quarter profit last week  again following the early waves of the corona-
                         against the backdrop of rising oil prices bolster-  virus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         ing demand for drilling equipment and services.   “The confluence of elevated commodity
                         The firm’s total revenue rose 14% year on year in  prices, demand-led activity growth and energy
                         the quarter to reach $5.96bn.        security are resulting in one of the strongest out-
                           Schlumberger’s international revenue rose by  looks for the energy services industry in recent
                         about 10% y/y on the back of expanded drilling  times,” stated Schlumberger’s CEO, Olivier Le
                         in Latin America, specifically in Mexico, Argen-  Peuch. He expects to see substantial growth in
                         tina, Brazil, and Ecuador. On the other hand,  the second half of the year and Schlumberger   Le Peuch
                         revenue dropped 12% sequentially in the com-  ending 2022 with earnings before interest, taxes,
                         pany’s Europe, Commonwealth of Independent  depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) mar-  said that a
                         States (CIS) and Africa division stemming from  gins at least 200 basis points higher than in the
                         a seasonal decline in activity and the deprecia-  fourth quarter of 2021.  combination of
                         tion of the Russian ruble.             “The level of activity expansion globally, in
                           The company posted adjusted net income of  every basin, for every division, is creating the  both short-cycle
                         $488mn, or $0.34 per share, in the first quarter  conditions for tightness in the capacity of sup-  and long-cycle
                         of 2022, compared with $299mn, or $0.21 per  ply,” he said on the company’s earnings call. The
                         share, in the same quarter of last year. This nar-  conditions are “extremely favourable for pricing   developments
                         rowly beat the expectation of analysts, who had  power,” he added.
                         anticipated earnings of $0.33 per share, accord-  Le Peuch said that a combination of both   had spurred
                         ing to Refinitiv IBES data.          short-cycle and long-cycle developments had
                           The company also agreed to a 40% dividend  spurred increased drilling activity internation-  increased
                         hike, bringing it to $0.175 per share and surpris-  ally. He anticipates that there will be more final   drilling activity
                         ing some analysts.                   investment decisions (FIDs) made on longer-
                           Oil prices have hit multi-year highs as  term projects.                  internationally.
                         demand has risen in recent months, with   Schlumberger has indicated it will stop new
                         Russia’s invasion of Ukraine exerting fur-  investment in Russia following its invasion of
                         ther upward pressure on commodity prices.  Ukraine, stating that sanctions uncertainty has
                         Schlumberger’s  top  competitors,  Halibur-  had an impact on its operations there, although
                         ton and Baker Hughes, also reported higher  it did not report a write-down on its business
                         y/y profits in recent days and are anticipating  in the country.™

       Week 17   28•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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