Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       in-service date for the project is October 1,   Nabors announces first-  and land drilling rig counts in particular,
       2023.                                                                    increased significantly during the quarter.
         The binding open season begins April   quarter 2022 results            With support from commodity prices that
       25, 2022, and ends May 13, 2022, at 5 p.m.                               have risen markedly since the beginning of
       Central Time, though PHP reserves the right   Nabors Industries today reported first quarter   the year, we remain optimistic that drilling
       to extend the open season as needed.  2022 operating revenues of $569mn, an   activity in the oil & gas industry will continue
       PERMIAN HIGHWAY PIPELINE, April 25, 2022  increase of approximately 5%, compared to   to increase over the balance of the year. We
                                           operating revenues of $544mn in the fourth   are also encouraged by the signals coming
                                           quarter of 2021. The net loss from continuing   from certain of the key international markets,
       SERVICES                            operations attributable to Nabors shareholders  where planning and tendering for additional
                                           for the quarter was $184mn, or $22.51 per   activity are also accelerating, setting up
       SDRL: Seadrill Limited              share. This compares to a loss of $114mn, or   another potential driver of future growth.”
                                           $14.60 per share in the prior quarter. The first
                                                                                NABORS INDUSTRIES, April 27, 2022
       announces contract awards           quarter results include a non-cash charge of
                                           $72mn, or $8.63 per share, related to mark-
       totalling $105mn                    to-market treatment of Nabors’ warrants.   MOVES
                                           First quarter adjusted EBITDA was $131mn,
       Seadrill Limited is pleased to announce new   compared to $132mn in the previous quarter.  CAPP appoints Lisa Baiton
       contract awards for the West Neptune and the   Anthony G. Petrello, Nabors Chairman,
       Sevan Louisiana.                    CEO and President, commented, “Our first   as president and chief
         The West Neptune has secured a four-well   quarter financial results demonstrate the value
       extension with two one-well options with   of our technology-focused strategy. Drilling   executive officer
       LLOG Exploration Offshore in US Gulf of   Solutions’ quarterly Adjusted EBITDA
       Mexico. The firm-term will commence in   marked another post-pandemic high, and we   The board of governors of the Canadian
       direct continuation of the existing contract,   saw excellent sequential growth in the U.S.   Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)
       has an estimated duration of 200 days and is   Drilling segment.         is pleased to announce the appointment of
       expected to keep the rig busy until August   “In the Lower 48, our daily drilling   Lisa Baiton as president and chief executive
       2023. Total contract value for the firm-term is   adjusted gross margin reflects the strong   officer. Baiton takes on the new role effective
       approximately $71mn.                pricing environment. Our average daily   Monday May 2, 2022.
         The Sevan Louisiana has secured a three-  revenue of $23,000 represents an increase   As CEO, Baiton will work with CAPP
       well extension with Talos Production in US   of nearly $1,300 versus the prior quarter.   members to ensure the sector is able to
       Gulf of Mexico. The extension has a minimum  Leading-edge daily rates continue to increase   continue providing Canadians, and the
       duration of 105 days and is an extension   sharply and are now at least $5,000 higher   world, with secure and responsibly produced
       to the existing contract with Talos, which   than the first quarter’s average daily revenue.   energy while progressively working towards
       is set to commence in August 2022. Total   Adjusted EBITDA from our Drilling Solutions  achieving Canada’s climate commitments.
       contract value for the three-well extension is   segment grew sequentially, on top of the   “Lisa has a deep understanding of the
       approximately $34mn.                strong performance in the prior quarter. This   major issues that define the global economy”
         Simon Johnson, Seadrill’s chief executive   segment’s contribution to the Company’s total   said Craig Bryksa, chair of the CAPP board of
       officer, commented: “It’s encouraging to see so   adjusted EBITDA exceeded 15%, an all-time   governors and president and chief executive
       much activity in the US Gulf of Mexico right   high.                     officer of Crescent Point Energy. “She will
       now. We are proud of the safe and efficient   “The first quarter marked significant   bring immense value to the organisation as
       operations we provide for our clients and   exercises of our innovative equity warrants.   CAPP faces a new era of opportunities and
       are grateful for the opportunity to continue   We issued the warrants last June, as part of our  challenges, while striving to enhance the
       delivering for both LLOG and Talos into next   strategy to de-lever. As a result, the reduction   contribution of Canada’s oil and natural gas
       year.”                              in face value of debt outstanding from these   industry in addressing energy security, energy
       SEADRILL, April 26, 2022            exercises exceeded $130mn.           affordability and global emissions reductions”
                                              “Oilfield activity in the Lower 48 market,   “As a proud Canadian, I’m invested in the

       Week 17   28•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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