Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US DoE unveils contracts awarded

       under second emergency SPR sale

        US               THE US Department of Energy (DoE) has  3.6mn barrels. Other companies winning con-
                         awarded 12 contracts for 30mn barrels from  tracts include Atlantic Trading & Marketing,
                         the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) as part  Chevron, Equinor, Glencore, Marathon Petro-
                         of an emergency release previously announced  leum, Mercuria, Phillips 66, Shell and Unipec.
                         at the start of April. The sale is also being con-  The DOE will offer an additional 40mn bar-
                         ducted as part of co-ordinated action by the US  rels on May 24 for delivery in June and July.
                         and other countries to stabilise crude prices that   Added to already-scheduled releases, the new
                         have hit multi-year highs since Russia’s invasion  contracts mean that the SPR will now deliver
                         of Ukraine in February.              50mn barrels in May and June. The US has com-
                           Valero, Motiva Enterprises and ExxonMobil  mitted to releasing 1mn barrels per day (bpd)
                         were awarded the largest shares of the latest sale,  from the SPR for a period of six months. Also as
                         comprising almost half of the volumes on offer.  part of this commitment, another 90mn barrels
                         The oil is scheduled for delivery between May 15  will be offered for delivery between August and
                         and June 30 and includes 9.6mn barrels of sour  October under separate notices of sale, which
                         crude from West Hackberry in Louisiana, 8.7mn  analysts expect to be fully subscribed.
                         barrels of sour crude from Big Hill in Texas, 8mn   The 180mn barrel drawdown by the US will
                         barrels of sour crude from Bryan Mound, also  deplete the SPR by roughly one-third, reduc-
                         in Texas, and 3.7mn barrels of sweet crude from  ing the volumes in the reserve to their lowest
                         Bayou Choctaw in Louisiana.          level since 1984. As of April 15, the SPR held
                           A total of 16 companies made 126 bids for the  556mn barrels, with sour crude accounting
                         30mn barrels. Valero has been awarded 6.85mn  for about 55% and sweet crude making up the
                         barrels, Motiva 4.05mn barrels and ExxonMobil  remaining 45%.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       CNOOC confirms end to Flemish

       Pass Basin exploration

        NEWFOUNDLAND     CHINA National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC)  the company still has oil sands operations in
        AND LABRADOR     has confirmed to Canadian media that it is exit-  Alberta. It owns these Canadian, US and UK
                         ing offshore Flemish Pass Basin offshore New-  assets thanks to its $15bn acquisition of Nexen
                         foundland and Labrador.              in 2013.
                           The Chinese company’s exit follows an   Pelles had been widely considered a well
                         unsuccessful drilling campaign in the basin. It  worth watching thanks to its proximity to
                         drilled the highly anticipated Pelles well last year,  Equinor’s Bay du Nord discovery, also in the
                         but subsequently said in mid-2021 that the well  Flemish Pass Basin, which was recently approved
       The Stena Forth   would be plugged and abandoned, without pro-  for development by the Canadian government.
       drillship, which   viding further details.             Indeed, CNOOC’s failure with Pelles does not
       was used at Pelles,   CBC News cited CNOOC as confirming this  appear to have deterred other companies from
       will also be used   week that the well had come up dry and that it  carrying out further exploration in the basin.
       to drill ExxonMobil   would be abandoning exploration offshore New-  At the end of 2021, QatarEnergy farmed into
       and QatarEnergy’s   foundland and Labrador.            licence 1165A, which is held by ExxonMobil.
       Hampden prospect.   “We made the difficult decision to relinquish  The two companies have contracted the Stena
                         our exploration licences in the Flemish Pass,” a  Forth drillship, which was used at Pelles, to drill
                         CNOOC International spokesperson told the  the Hampden prospect in their licence in the sec-
                         news service.                        ond half of 2022.
                           The move also comes after reports emerged   Meanwhile, Equinor is preparing to drill
                         earlier this month that CNOOC was planning  two additional exploration wells at the Sitka
                         to exit its US, UK and Canadian operations amid  and Cambriol East this year as it seeks to bol-
                         concerns over potential Western sanctions, as  ster reserves in the Bay du Nord area. Upstream
                         well as operational challenges in those countries  reported last week that the Norwegian company
                         (See NorthAmOil Week 16). The exit from New-  could be days away from re-starting exploration
                         foundland and Labrador aligns with this, though  drilling in the region.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   28•April•2022
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