Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       KOGAS strikes deal for

       US LNG supply with BP

        US-SOUTH         STATE-OWNED Korea Gas (KOGAS) has  LNG suppliers in Asia and the Middle East
        KOREA            struck a deal to buy US-produced LNG from BP.  ended in 2019 alone and a further 7.02mn tpy of
                         The sale and purchase agreement (SPA) follows a  contracts for LNG from Qatar are due to expire
                         heads of agreement (HoA) between the two sides  by 2026.
                         that was reached in 2019.              KOGAS has been seeking to extend or renew
                           Under the finalised deal, KOGAS will import  some of its existing contracts while also looking
                         1.58mn tonnes per year (tpy) from BP’s Singapo-  for new ones. In mid-2021, the company said it
                         rean subsidiary starting in 2025 for a period of 18  had struck a new 20-year deal with state-owned
       Some of the LNG under   years. The price of LNG sold under the deal will  Qatar Petroleum – since renamed to QatarEn-
       the new SPA would   be indexed to the US’ Henry Hub benchmark,  ergy – for the supply of 2mn tpy of LNG starting
       come from the Freeport   which KOGAS said is considered “very compet-  in 2025. KOGAS also imports some US LNG
       LNG terminal in Texas.  itive” given current oil and LNG prices. Further  already as a result of a 20-year SPA with Cheniere
                         financial details were not disclosed.  Energy covering 3.5mn tpy that began in 2017.
                           The deal is the first LNG supply agreement   The South Korean company noted that some
                         between KOGAS and BP. It comes as the South  of the LNG under its new SPA would come from
                         Korean company works to replace long-term  the Freeport LNG terminal in Texas, with which
                         supply agreements that are either expiring or  BP has an offtake deal. BP is also an offtaker from
                         have already done so in the last three years. For  Venture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass facility in
                         example, 5.78mn tpy worth of contracts with  Louisiana, which entered service this year.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       ExxonMobil receives certification

       for gas from Permian project

        NEW MEXICO       EXXONMOBIL announced this week that    The assessment of ExxonMobil’s Poker
                         about 200mn cubic feet (5.7mn cubic metres)  Lake operations was carried out by Responsi-
                         per day of natural gas output at its Poker Lake  ble Energy Solutions using the MiQ Standard.
                         project in the New Mexico portion of the Per-  The company anticipates that the certification
                         mian Basin has received independent certifica-  will help it meet growing customer demand for
                         tion from MiQ.                       energy produced with lower emissions.
                           The company was granted an “A” grade cer-  “MiQ is pioneering independently certified
                         tification – MiQ’s top grade – for what Exxon-  gas to help accelerate methane reductions from
                         Mobil describes as its “extensive multi-tiered  the natural gas industry and, as one of the world’s
                         technology approach to methane monitoring  largest energy companies, ExxonMobil’s expan-
                         and mitigation” at Poker Lake. The certification  sion of the certification programme demon-
                         makes ExxonMobil the first company to achieve  strates that independently certified gas is rapidly
                         certification for associated gas produced as a  becoming the status quo,” stated MiQ’s CEO,
                         by-product of oil drilling.          Georges Tijbosch.
                           The super-major said it uses a combination   ExxonMobil is now expanding the certifica-
                         of fixed monitoring systems, optical gas imaging  tion process to its facilities in other regions, such
                         cameras, aerial imaging technology, proprietary  as its Appalachian Basin operations in Pennsyl-
                         acoustic sensors and leak detection and repair  vania and West Virginia.
                         practices at Poker Lake.               The super-major is targeting net-zero emis-
                           “This certification further validates the steps  sions from its Permian Basin operations by 2030,
                         we have taken to reduce methane emissions,  on a Scope 1 and 2 basis. In addition to mitigat-
                         which is part of our plans to achieve net zero  ing methane emissions, the company is planning
                         Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse emissions in our  to electrify its Permian operations using renew-
                         Permian Basin unconventional operations by  able and lower-carbon power sources and elimi-
                         2030,” stated ExxonMobil’s senior vice president  nate routine flaring of associate gas by the end of
                         of unconventional, Tom Schuessler.   2022, among other decarbonisation initiatives.™

       Week 17   28•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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