Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 17 2022
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NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       TC Energy and GreenGasUSA to

       develop RNG transport hubs

        US               CANADA’S TC Energy and GreenGasUSA, an  operate the RNG transport hubs, which it
                         owner and operator of renewable natural gas  said would develop “critical steps” toward
                         (RNG) value chain assets, have announced a  the acceleration of methane capture projects
                         strategic collaboration for the development of  and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)
                         RNG transportation hubs.             emissions.
                           RNG is the product of the decomposition of   The Canadian company has been transport-
                         organic matter. Interest in its use has been rising  ing RNG in the US since 2005, and currently
                         for some time against the backdrop of the energy  owns 10 RNG interconnects across its US gas
                         transition, and more recently the war in Ukraine  operations. TC Energy is targeting rapid expan-
                         has intensified the focus on development of alter-  sion of this network to provide increased capa-
                         native fuels for both energy security and decar-  bility before the end of this year.
                         bonisation purposes.                   The collaboration will see transportation
                           The proposed hubs would provide cen-  hubs developed over the coming four years in
                         tralised access to energy transportation infra-  several states along TC Energy’s 32,700-mile
                         structure already in place for RNG sources,  (52,626-km) US gas pipeline system, which con-
                         including farms, landfills and wastewater treat-  sists of 13 major pipelines spanning 40 states.
                         ment facilities.                     The first hub should be in service by the second
                           Under their collaboration, GreenGasUSA  quarter of 2023.
                         would originate RNG and condition the gas to   TC Energy and GreenGasUSA expect the
                         pipeline quality before delivering it to the RNG  collaboration to result in various benefits. They
                         hubs. The gas would be delivered to the hubs  anticipate that the partnership will reduce GHG
                         by both pipeline and compressed natural gas  emissions by providing cost-effective market
                         (CNG) trucks, allowing multiple users to con-  access to RNG developers. They also expect to
                         nect to the pipeline network.        contribute to an increase in biogas sources in
                           TC  Energy  intends to build,  own  and  renewable energy markets.™


       CNRL achieves CAD100bn market valuation

        CANADA           CANADIAN Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL)  of many in the industry who had lowered their
                         reached a market valuation of over CAD100bn  payouts in response to oil prices crashing at
                         ($78bn) after its share price climbed by 1.9%  the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         on April 20 to an all-time high of CAD85.95  pandemic.
                         ($67.11). It became the first oil and gas producer   Now, analysts including Stifel FirstEnergy are
                         listed in Toronto to surpass a market valuation  speculating over a potential stock split. Over the
                         of CAD100bn.                         past 18 months the company has split its shares
       CNRL is Canada’s    CNRL’s stock has shot up 180% since the start  twice. With CNRL trading at an all-time high,
       largest producer of   of 2021, with the company’s market value soaring  its record-setting market valuation is likely to
       heavy crude.      past Suncor Energy, previously the most valua-  attract increased investor attention, a Stifel ana-
                         ble Canadian oil producer. Its performance has  lyst, Robert Fitzmartyn, said.
                         also seen it leap ahead of some leading US inde-  The company achieved record average
                         pendents, including Pioneer Natural Resources,  production volumes of around 1.2mn barrels
                         after adjusting for US dollars. The Calgary-based  per day (bpd) of oil and gas in 2021, marking
                         company now sits as the fourth most valuable  a 6% rise on 2020 levels. CNRL’s share price
                         publicly traded oil and gas producer in North  had dropped back somewhat in recent days to
                         America, trailing only ExxonMobil, Chevron  CAD80.15 ($62.58) as of April 28, but this is still
                         and ConocoPhillips.                  higher than its stock has ever been prior to the
                           CNRL’s share prices have been rising since  past month.
                         March 2020, when the firm went against   The company is anticipated to release its
                         investor expectations by raising its dividend.  results for the first quarter of 2022 around May
                         Analysts had expected a cut to the dividend,  5, with analysts forecasting higher earnings on
                         with the company following in the footsteps  both a sequential and a year-on-year basis.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   28•April•2022
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