Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  that operates the Finnish LNG terminal and
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  use the €30mn set aside in the supplementary
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  budget for this purpose to [replenish] Estonia’s
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  gas reserves,” Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said at a
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  government press conference, adding that this is
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  in line with the Act on the State’s Supplementary
                         for each section the full text will be available as  Budget.
                                                              FSUOGM: Uniper hit hard by Russian gas
                         AfrOil: APT may be able to launch Ntorya  losses
                         gas production early                 Uniper has posted a €40bn ($39bn) loss for the
                         ARA Petroleum Tanzania Ltd (APT) is looking  first nine months of this year, marking one of
                         to launch commercial production at the Ntorya  the biggest losses in German corporate history.
                         natural gas field in southern Tanzania almost a  The reasons are well-known. The company had
                         year ahead of schedule despite a setback in its  its Russian gas supply drastically cut over the
                         drilling schedule. According to Aminex (Ire-  summer, before it ended completely at the end
                         land), a non-operating shareholder in Ruvuma,  of August.
                         APT pushed the target date for spudding the
                         Chikumbi-1 (CH-1) well at Ntorya back to  GLNG: Indonesia’s potential reversal to
                         March 2023 after receiving new information on  LNG importer
                         rig availability and consulting with Tanzanian  With the likes of Australia, Qatar and the US
                         authorities and its contractors.     now by far the world’s biggest LNG exporters, it
                                                              is hard to imagine that this was a title once held,
                         AsianOil: Tokyo asks Malaysia to ease LNG  in 1990, by Indonesia. That year the country
                         supply woes                          delivered 20.35mn tonnes of the super-cooled
                         The Japanese government has reached out to  gas to the global market, accounting for 38.4%
                         Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petro-  of overall trade.
                         nas) to request the firm’s help with alleviating
                         any LNG supply issues to customers in Japan  LatAmOil:  Spudding  of  Wei-1  postponed
                         following the Sabah-Sarawak Pipeline leak  again
                         in late September. Already facing pressure  Canada’s CGX Energy has been forced once
                         to guarantee ample LNG deliveries as Russia  again to postpone the spudding of Wei-1, its
                         threatens to cut off supplies, and with temper-  second exploration well at the Corentyne block
                         atures across the country already starting to  offshore Guyana. In a statement, CGX explained
                         drop, Japanese buyers are clambering to source  that the delay was beyond its control.
                         cargoes to replace those delayed by the leak.
                                                              MEOG: Aramco announces Q3 results
                         DMEA: Iranian government sells 12%  Saudi Aramco this week announced its Q3
                         stake in country’s largest petchem produc-  results, which were highlighted by a net income
                         er                                   of $42.4bn, up 139% against the same period
                         Iran’s government has reportedly sold 12% of  last year. Despite some price volatility during
                         the country’s largest petrochemical producer,  the quarter, the company continues to benefit
                         Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries (PGPIC),  from the recovery experienced over the past
                         to a unit of the country’s oil pension fund for  year or so, earning well in excess of the level
                         IRR1.087 quadrillion ($3.3bn at the free mar-  required to cover its $18.75bn quarterly divi-
                         ket rate), a privatisation record. “Moments ago,  dend obligation.
                         stocks of this company were sold for a total price
                         of 1,087 trillion rial. It was the largest privati-  NorthAmOil: Marathon to purchase En-
                         sation scheme ever conducted in the country’s  sign’s Eagle Ford assets for $3bn
                         history,” said Hossein Ghorbanzade, who heads  Marathon Oil has agreed to acquire the Eagle
                         Iran’s Privatisation Organisation.   Ford shale assets of Ensign Natural Resources
                                                              for $3bn cash. The assets – in the core of the play
                         EurOil: Estonia gives up stake in Finnish  – nearly double Marathon’s Eagle Ford position
                         LNG terminal                         and are adjacent to Marathon’s existing Eagle
                         The Estonian three-party government has  Ford wells. The transaction, expected to close by
                         decided that Estonia will give up its stake in the  the end of the year, will add 526.1 net square km
                         company that operates the Finnish LNG ter-  with a 97% working interest.
                         minal and spend the €30mn budgeted for this
                         purpose to buy additional gas reserves. “We  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         decided not to acquire a stake in the company  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2022
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