Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       US reportedly discussing Trinidad

       and Tobago’s plan to use Venezuelan

       gas for Atlantic LNG

        AMERICAS         THE US government has reportedly agreed   Officials in Port of Spain have indicated that
                         to discuss Trinidad and Tobago’s request for a  they hope gas from the Dragon field could be
                         waiver from the sanctions laws that discourage  used to restart production at Atlantic LNG’s
                         investment in Venezuela’s oil sector in order to  Train 1. This 3mn tonne per year (tpy) facility
                         facilitate the search for new sources of feedstock  has been idle since 2020.
                         for the Atlantic LNG plant.            The administration of US President Joe   The
                           Port of Spain has asked Washington several  Biden has expressed some interest in Trinidad
                         times to authorise talks with Caracas on access to  and Tobago’s proposal in light of the current   administration
                         natural gas fields in the southern Caribbean Sea,  energy crisis in Europe, which is a major market
                         but its requests have generally gone unanswered.  for output from Atlantic LNG, Reuters said. It   of US President
                         However, four sources close to the matter told  also quoted one of its sources as saying, though,
                         Reuters last week that US officials had begun  that the Biden team had voiced some reserva-  Joe Biden has
                         meeting with their counterparts from Trinidad  tions about the Dragon plan because of the time   expressed
                         and Tobago to discuss the latter’s proposal for  needed to bring the gas field on stream.
                         development of Dragon, a gas field located off-  “They don’t see Trinidad’s solution as being   some interest
                         shore Venezuela.                     sufficiently immediate for Europe,” the source
                           As of press time, the news agency’s report  explained.                     in Trinidad
                         could not be confirmed.                Launching production at Dragon would
                           PdVSA, the national oil company (NOC) of  take several years, even though some work   and Tobago’s
                         Venezuela, has found about 4.2 trillion cubic feet  has already been done at the field, Reuters   proposal.
                         (118.9bn cubic metres) of gas at Dragon and was  added. PdVSA and Port of Spain would have
                         hoping to team up with Trinidad and Tobago to  to carry out extensive subsea inspections and
                         develop the field about 10 years ago. Venezuela’s  engineering work in order to check wellhead
                         government shares that hope and gave Port of  integrity, and they would not be able to use the
                         Spain a green light to start development in 2020.  17-km line built to pump gas from the field
                         The project fizzled, though, due to sanctions,  since the pipes laid for that purpose are now
                         a lack of capital and failure to secure outside  being utilised by Shell for production from the
                         investors.                           Colibri field.™

       Week 45   10•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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