Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Targa to build Daytona NGL

       pipeline in Texas

        TEXAS            TARGA Resources has said it will build the Day-  earnings, that construction is continuing on
                         tona NGL pipeline from the Permian Basin to  Targa’s 275mn cubic feet (7.79mn cubic metres)
                         North Texas. The pipeline is expected to be in  per day Legacy II plant and 275 mmcf per day
                         service by the end of 2024 and to cost an esti-  Greenwood plant in the Permian Midland basin,
                         mated $650mn to build.               its 275 mmcf Midway plant in Permian Dela-
                           Daytona will connect to a 30-inch (762-  ware, and its 120,000 bpd Train 9 fractionator in
                         mm) diameter segment of Targa’s existing com-  Mont Belvieu.
                         mon-carrier Grand Prix NGL pipeline system,   In addition, Targa has announced the con-
                         the company said. From there, volumes will be  struction of a new 275 mmcf per day cryogenic
                         transported to Targa’s 963,000 barrel per day  natural gas processing plant in Permian Delaware
                         (bpd) fractionation and storage complex in Mont  – the Wildcat II plant – which is expected to begin
                         Belvieu on the Gulf of Mexico.       operations in the first quarter of 2024. This is in
                           Grand Prix, with 550,000 bpd capacity  response to expanding production and to meet
                         and which is 75% owned by Targa and 25% by  the infrastructure needs of producers, said Targa.
                         Blackstone Energy Partners, will own Daytona.   Third-quarter 2022 net income for Hou-
                         Each owner will fund their respective share  ston-based Targa was $193.1mn compared with
                         of the pipeline’s cost based on their ownership  $182.2mn for the third quarter of 2021. Targa
                         percentage.                          reported third-quarter 2022 adjusted earnings
                           Targa expects to fund the construction of  before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amor-
                         Daytona out of operating cash flows and avail-  tisation (EBITDA) – a measure of profit – of
                         able liquidity.                      $768.6mn, representing a 15% increase when
                           Targa also announced, with its third-quarter  compared to the second quarter of 2022.™


       Dominion reportedly considering

       selling stake in Cove Point LNG

        MARYLAND         DOMINION Energy may sell its 50% stake  a “top-to-bottom” review of its businesses. The
                         in the Cove Point LNG terminal in Maryland,  company’s stock performance – down around
                         according to sources familiar with the matter  12% so far in 2022 – has been tepid over the past
                         that have been cited in a Bloomberg report.  few years.
                           The stake in the facility, which is located in   The review is necessary, said Blue. “Some
                         Chesapeake Bay on the Mid-Atlantic coast, is  would suggest that doing the same thing over
                         worth several billion dollars.       and over and expecting a different result doesn’t
                           The talks are at an early stage, and Dominion  make a lot of sense,” he added. “There are two
                         may ultimately not sell, said the sources. How-  drivers behind today’s announcement of a
                         ever, they added that the company was working  review: one, enhancing shareholder value and
                         with unnamed advisers to secure potential bids,  two, ensuring the sustainability” of plans to
                         including for infrastructure. Dominion has not  reduce carbon in the company’s regulated utility
                         commented on the matter.             business, he said. Blue did not disclose how long
                           The terminal is 25% owned by Berkshire  the review would take.
                         Hathaway Energy, which also operates it, and   In August, Cove Point exported its 300th com-
                         25% by Brookfield Asset Management. Two  mercial cargo since international trade began.
                         years ago, Dominion sold most of its natural  The facility’s LNG has “supported the energy
                         gas storage and transport assets to Berkshire  needs of 28 countries, including many in Europe
                         Hathaway.                            in recent months”, said Berkshire Hathaway.
                           The Cove Point facility started exporting   There has been a gas shortage in Europe as the
                         LNG four years ago.                  continent pivots away from imports of the fuel
                           Dominion’s president and CEO, Robert  from Russian in response to the war in Ukraine.
                         Blue, said in the company’s third-quarter earn-  European countries are increasingly turning to
                         ings call on November 4 that it would initiate  LNG to fill the gap.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2022
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