Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       EOG unveils Utica acquisition, drilling plans

        US               SHALE  producer EOG Resources has  $4.21, and that it generated $2.3bn of free cash
                         announced a new position in the Utica combo  flow. Revenue for the quarter was $7.59bn, com-
                         play in Ohio and said it would drill about 20 wells  pared with a consensus estimate of $6.62bn.
                         there in 2023. Development is already underway.  Oil, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and gas pro-
                           The new acreage, expected to have strong  duction were above guidance midpoints and
                         liquids production rates, is 159,851 net hectares.  capital expenditures were below the company’s
                         The company has also bought about 54,633 min-  guidance midpoint, it said.
                         eral hectares in the southern portion of its new   “EOG is now operating seven significant
                         position. The combined cost of entry is less than  resource basins with the addition of the Utica
                         $500mn, the company said in its third-quarter  Combo in Ohio,” said EOG’s chairman and chief
                         earnings release.                    executive officer, Ezra Yacob. “Our growing mul-
                           In the Utica Combo play, the company has  ti-basin portfolio of high-return plays positions
                         completed four wells and operates 18 additional  EOG for long-term sustainable value creation.”
                         legacy wells across a 140-mile (225-km) trend.   Total company crude oil production in the
                         Initial drilling results confirm EOG’s reservoir  third quarter was 465,100 barrels per day (bpd)
                         model, it said. The product mix averages some  of oil, above the midpoint of the guidance range
                         60-70% liquids, said the company.    and up less than 1% compared with the sec-
                           EOG said it expects the Utica Combo to be  ond quarter. Production of natural gas liquids
                         its “next large-scale premium resource play”. It  increased 4% compared with the previous quar-
                         said that a favourable drilling environment and  ter, and was also above the midpoint of the guid-
                         the opportunity to develop the play with 3-mile  ance range.
                         (4.82-km) laterals support cost efficiencies.  Gas production declined 4% compared with
                           For the third quarter of 2022, the Hou-  the second quarter primarily due to plant main-
                         ston-based company announced earned  tenance in Trinidad – where the company has
                         adjusted net income of $2.2bn, or $3.71 per  reserves – but was above the midpoint of the
                         share, compared with an analyst estimate of  guidance range.™


       Continental reports third-

       quarter production rise

        US               SHALE producer Continental Resources has  from $1.25bn for the second quarter. Net cash
                         reported that it increased production in the third  provided by operating activities for third quar-
                         quarter against the previous quarter.  ter 2022 was $2.22bn, and earnings before inter-
                           In the third quarter, the company had total  est, depreciation, amortisation and exploration
                         production averaging 414,400 barrels of oil  (EBITDA) – a measure of profit excluding explo-
                         equivalent per day, compared with 400,200  ration – was $2.05bn.
                         boepd in the second quarter of 2022.   Net income was $1.01bn for third-quarter
                           Oil production in the third quarter averaged  2022, compared with $1.21bn for the previous
                         200,500 barrels per day (bpd), and third-quar-  quarter. Adjusted net income for the quarter
                         ter 2022 natural gas production was an average  was $1.04bn compared with $1.25bn for sec-
                         of 36,359mn cubic feet (1,209mn cubic metres)  ond-quarter 2022. Net cash provided by oper-
                         per day.                             ating activities was $2.22bn, up from $1.74bn
                           The company gets most of its production  in second-quarter 2022. Non-acquisition
                         from the Bakken in North Dakota and Anadarko  capital expenditures were $815.9mn for the
                         Basin in west-central Oklahoma and surround-  quarter.
                         ing states.                            In October, it was announced that Conti-
                           The company reported net income of  nental will merge with Omega Acquisition, an
                         $1.01bn, or $2.80 per diluted share, for the third  Oklahoma corporation owned by Continental’s
                         quarter, with typically excluded items reaching  founder, Harold Hamm. The company, one of
                         an aggregate $27mn, or $0.08 per diluted share.  the US’s largest independent oil companies, will
                         Net income had been $1.21bn for the previous  become private.
                         quarter.                               Founded in 1967, Continental has been pub-
                           Adjusted net income for the third quarter  lic since 2007. The deal is valued at $4.3bn and
                         was $1.04bn, or $2.88 per diluted share, down  is expected to close before the end of the year.™

       Week 45   10•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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