Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       $22,818,000, an increase of approximately   types of title challenges. Despite these title   EVP Finance) and Josh Wiener (EVP Land).
       65% compared to $13,855,000 for the nine   challenges, Phoenix Capital Group’s industry-  Darin Zanovich, President & CEO of
       months ended September 30, 2021. For the   leading title team successfully completed the   Mesa III, commented, “We are excited to
       nine months ended September 30, 2022, the   due diligence within a compressed timeframe   partner again with NGP to build a new
       company reported a net loss of $17,672,000   to meet the city’s needs. Justin Arn, chief land   premier mineral and royalty platform focused
       or $0.74 loss per common share compared   and title officer at Phoenix Capital Group, led   on acquisitions of royalty assets in the
       to a net loss of $22,110,000 or $0.94 loss per   the title verification on this project with over   Haynesville and Permian basins. We believe
       common share for the nine months ended   fifteen members of his elite title team. Phoenix  our expertise and track record of acquiring
       September 30, 2021. The company reported   Capital Group’s ability to move quickly   royalty packages, as well as our ability to
       negative EBITDA of $10,334,000 for the nine   allowed the city to benefit from current   complement the position with our strong
       months ended September 30, 2022 compared   market conditions and maximise the value of   micro transaction ground game, allows us to
       to negative EBITDA of $12,187,000 for the   its assets.                  build out a portfolio of assets that provides
       nine months ended September 30, 2021.  “Thornton’s mineral holdings included   attractive returns to investors. The equity
         During the third quarter of 2022, the   numerous complicated tracts, with a variety   commitment from NGP’s two differentiated
       company operated one small crew beginning   of title challenges. Resolving title issues and   sources of capital enables us to acquire both
       in August for most of the quarter with a   arriving at a marketable portfolio took several   mature and undeveloped assets, providing us
       second small crew deployed for intermittent   weeks,” shared Scott Twombly, real property   a distinct advantage over the competition in
       periods during the back half of the quarter.   manager for the City of Thornton. “At all   the space.”
       The projects completed in the third quarter   times, the process was open and professional.   “NGP is excited and grateful to continue
       were small in size and not in close proximity   It was a pleasure working with Phoenix   our successful partnership with the Mesa
       to one another, which had a negative effect on   Capital Group, and we are very pleased with   III team,” said Patrick McWilliams, Partner
       operating efficiencies. The company did not   the outcome.”              at NGP. “Darin and the Mesa team have
       operate a crew in Canada in the third quarter.  Having closed on November 4, 2022,   a demonstrated competitive edge and are
       DAWSON GEOPHYSICAL, November 10, 2022  this mineral rights transaction marks an   representative of the best-in-class partners we
                                           important milestone for Phoenix Capital   are looking to invest with. We believe their
                                           Group. With this acquisition, the company   capitalistic instincts and ability to execute at
       MOVES                               strengthens its spotless track record in the oil   pace are unique in the minerals and royalties
                                           and gas industry and expands its geographical   sector and will continue to position the team
       Phoenix Capital Group               reach into Colorado. This is a significant step   for success.”
                                           forward in Phoenix Capital Group’s goal to
                                                                                MESA MINERALS PARTNERS III, November 07,
       Closes over 4,000 Net               become the leader in the mineral rights space.  2022
                                           PHOENIX CAPITAL GROUP HOLDINGS,
       Royalty Acres in Colorado           November 10, 2022                    NOG announces borrowing
       from City of Thornton               Mesa Minerals Partners III  base increase

       Phoenix Capital Group Holdings, doing   raises $150mn of aggregate       Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) today
       business as Phoenix Capital Group, acquired                              announced the completion of its semi-
       over 4,000 net royalty acres for a purchase   equity commitments from    annual borrowing base redetermination
       price exceeding $33mn. Phoenix Capital                                   under its reserves-based revolving credit
       Group acquired the mineral interests in   NGP                            facility. The borrowing base under the facility
       Weld and Adams Counties from the City of                                 was increased from $1.3bn to $1.6bn, and
       Thornton, Colorado. This acquisition marks   Mesa Minerals Partners III (Mesa III) is   NOG has chosen to increase the elected
       one of the largest mineral rights transactions   pleased to announce it has raised $150mn of   commitment amount from $850.0 million to
       in the prolific Denver-Julesburg (DJ) basin of   aggregate equity commitments from NGP   $1.0bn. Wells Fargo Bank, as administrative
       Colorado and represents a substantial win for   through NGP Natural Resources XII and   agent, and the syndicate of 14 lenders
       the City of Thornton, its residents, and the oil   NGP Royalty Partners II.  unanimously approved the increases on
       and gas community.                     Mesa III is a mineral and royalty   November 10, 2022.
         Thornton’s mineral interests proved to be   acquisition company led by Darin Zanovich   NORTHERN OIL AND GAS, November 10, 2022
       a challenging test, as many of the holdings   (President & CEO), Greg Balash (COO &
       involved complicated tracts with several   EVP Engineering), Michelle Massaro (CFO &

       Week 45   10•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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