Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden unlikely to change course even

       with Republican-led Congress: API

        US               US President Joe Biden and his administration  were major issues during election campaigning.
                         are unlikely to change course if there is a divided  Macchiarola said it is too soon to tell what was
                         government following the midterm elections on  the impact of the Democrats’ campaign talk that
                         November 8, a senior official at the American  the oil industry – with high profits – is to blame
                         Petroleum Institute (API), an industry group,  for high US retail gasoline prices.
                         has said.                              The Biden administration has sent mixed sig-
                           “I do not see the administration changing  nals regarding the oil and gas industry, rupturing
                         their policies – they did not change them when  trust even more than during the presidency of
                         [gasoline] prices were most high,” said the API’s  Barack Obama, also a Democrat.
                         senior vice president of policy, economics and   On October 31, Biden had slammed oil com-
                         regulatory affairs, Frank Macchiarola. He spoke  panies for passing on too much of their “outra-
                         at a post-election webinar convened by Brace-  geous” profits to shareholders and executives
                         well, the law and lobbying firm.     instead of reducing the country’s high retail
                           “We continue to see the government turn  gasoline prices. Companies such as ExxonMo-
                         over – there is a divided electorate,” he said.  bil and Chevron reported record profits – or
                           As of November 10, Republicans were poised  near-record profits – in the third quarter of 2022.
                         to take control of the House with a majority that   At the same press conference, Biden had
                         could stymie Biden’s pro-renewables and climate  warned oil companies that their profits could
                         policy. But control of the Senate remained up in  be subject to windfall taxes. “Their profits are
                         the air – and in fact it may not be known until a  a windfall of war – the windfall from the brutal
                         run-off election in Georgia on December 6.  conflict that’s ravaging Ukraine and hurting tens
                           But importantly, Republicans lawmakers  of millions of people around the globe,” he told
                         would not have the veto-proof two-thirds major-  reporters.
                         ity required in both congressional chambers to   Much of the White House response to the
                         push through legislation against a president  issue of high retail gasoline prices has been “sim-
                         from an opposing party. US presidents can veto  ply rhetoric,” Macchiarola told the webinar.
                         legislation. Biden is a Democrat.      He noted that the only substantive action
                           Since the previous election in 2020, Demo-  Biden has taken on the issue is to release oil from
                         crats have held thin majorities in both chambers.  the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The most
                           With much of the outcome of the US mid-  recent release was as recently as mid-October
                         term elections still unknown, the stock market  following gasoline prices’ high point of the year
                         has been jittery.                    in the early summer.
                           Democrats did much better than expected   Asked if policy responses such as the windfall
                         in the elections, avoiding the rout that analysts  profits tax, or a ban on energy exports, have “run
                         and pundits had predicted. The November 8  out of gas”, Macchiarola pointed to the array of
        Inflation, which   midterm election in fact represented the poor-  proposals from the Biden administration. On
                         est performance for a party out of power – the  Biden’s first day in office, the API senior vice
        is at a 40-year   Republicans – in 40 years.          president noted that Biden cancelled a key per-
                           Conventional political wisdom says that  mit for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then for exam-
         high, and the   Americans vote on the basis of cost of living, so  ple, earlier this year he pleaded with domestic

       cost of living and   Democrats were expected to be pummelled at  oil and gas industry to raise production as the
                         the polls. They were not, and it is not yet clear  Ukraine war crimped supplies and global energy
        gasoline prices   why, though the results seem to be a castigation  prices rose.
                         of ex-president Donald Trump and many of the
                                                                Macchiarola also said that one advantage of
       at the pump were   candidates who supported him.       a Republican-led Congress could be permitting
                           “The [election] takeaway is that things  reform. “All energy needs infrastructure,” he
         major issues    are great,” said Macchiarola. “It’s a confusing  said.
        during election   takeaway.”                            Permitting legislation, including that for
                           “[The election] was a lost opportunity for the  easing development of the Mountain Valley
         campaigning.    Republicans,” he added.              Pipeline for natural gas in West Virginia, was
                                                              discussed this summer in the Senate by Joe Man-
                           Generally, Republicans – and a few conserv-
                         ative Democrats in states such as Texas – would  chin of West Virginia and Senate majority leader
                         be expected to try to increase oil and gas drill-  Chuck Schumer, but was ultimately dropped.
                         ing, and to roll back Biden’s aggressive climate   LNG exports should be boosted too, con-
                         agenda. Democrats tend to be pro renewable  cluded Macchiarola. The API will try to get
                         energy and climate action.           bipartisan support “in the coming year” for
                           Inflation, which is at a 40-year high, and the  increased exports so that trading partners can
                         cost of living and gasoline prices at the pump  reduce carbon emissions, he said.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2022
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