Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 45 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              commitments made at COP26 in Glasgow,   since the company’s formation in 2012, in
                                           the importance of countries implementing   large part from our uniquely integrated and
       Canada and the United               concrete actions to reach their climate goals,   diversified assets in Midstream, Chemicals,
                                                                                Refining and Marketing.”
                                           and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees
       States to take further              Celsius.                             return an additional $10bn to $12bn to
                                                                                  Lashier said that the company plans to
                                             Cutting oil and gas methane emissions
       actions to address                  is one of the fastest and most cost-effective   shareholders between mid-year 2022 and
                                           ways to combat climate change. Methane is a
                                                                                the end of 2024 through a combination
       emissions from North                potent, but relatively short-lived, greenhouse   of dividends and share repurchases. The
                                           gas, and is eighty-six times more harmful than
                                                                                company’s Board of Directors approved
       American oil and gas sector         carbon dioxide over a twenty-year period.   a $5bn increase to its authorization to
                                                                                repurchase its common stock, which brings
                                           Now that profit margins are robust and energy
       Today at the United Nations Climate Change   prices are high, the time is right to invest to   the total amount of share repurchases
       Conference (COP27), the Honourable Steven   reduce emissions in the oil and gas sector.   authorised by the board since 2012 to an
       Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and   Making investments now will position the   aggregate of $20bn.
       Climate Change, and John Kerry, Special   North American oil and gas industry among   Phillips 66 is enhancing Refining
       Presidential Envoy for Climate, together   the cleanest in the world and enable it to   performance by taking necessary actions to
       welcomed continued close collaboration   compete in an increasingly decarbonising   increase reliability, improve market capture
       between Canada and the United States to   industry.                      and reduce costs.
       further reduce methane emissions from their   ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE   Phillips 66 plans to increase adjusted
       respective oil and gas operations.  CANADA, November 10, 2022            EBITDA by $3bn over the next three years.
         Both countries agree that significant                                  The company expects to achieve this growth
       opportunities exist to eliminate routine                                 through its proposed 87% interest in DCP
       venting and flaring, enhance leak detection   DOWNSTREAM                 Midstream, execution of Rodeo Renewed
       and repair, and address problems such as                                 and other projects, as well as sustainable cost
       blow-downs and other potentially large   Phillips 66 outlines plans      reductions from its Business Transformation.
       releases.                                                                  These actions will enable the company to
         This builds on existing work on both sides   to increase shareholder   increase distributions to shareholders, Lashier
       of the border. In Canada, earlier this year,                             said, adding that the company is committed
       Minister Guilbeault committed to working   distributions                 to disciplined growth and financial flexibility
       with the Canadian oil and gas industry to                                to drive returns and reward shareholders, now
       identify pathways to achieving net-zero   Phillips 66 will provide a plan to deliver   and in the future.
       emissions by 2050 and reaffirmed Canada’s   higher shareholder distributions and increase   PHILLIPS 66, November 09, 2022
       commitment to reduce methane emissions by   shareholder value at its investor day meeting
       at least seventy-five percent by 2030. Today,   in New York today.
       Environment and Climate Change Canada   “We are announcing a number of priorities   SERVICES
       published a proposed framework outlining   designed to reward shareholders,” said Mark
       the main elements of the new regulations. The   Lashier, president and CEO of Phillips 66.   Dawson Geophysical
       draft regulations will be published early next   “Thanks to our clear vision, core values
       year.                               and dedicated employees, we’ve enjoyed   reports third-quarter 2022
         During their meeting on the sidelines   tremendous success since our inception 10
       of COP27, Minister Guilbeault and Special   years ago. We will continue our track record   results
       Envoy Kerry took note of the pivotal   of strong returns and growing distributions in
       moment in time with respect to climate. Both   a competitive and sustainable way. We have   Dawson Geophysical today reported
       underscored the need to avoid backsliding on   returned more than $30bn to shareholders   unaudited financial results for its third quarter
                                                                                ended September 30, 2022.
                                                                                  For the quarter ended September 30, 2022,
                                                                                the company reported revenues of $3,538,000,
                                                                                an increase of approximately 85% compared
                                                                                to $1,914,000 for the comparable quarter
                                                                                ended September 30, 2021. For the third
                                                                                quarter of 2022, the company reported a net
                                                                                loss of $7,603,000 or $0.32 loss per common
                                                                                share compared to a net loss of $7,865,000
                                                                                or $0.33 loss per common share for the third
                                                                                quarter of 2021. The company reported
                                                                                negative EBITDA of $5,332,000 for the
                                                                                quarter ended September 30, 2022 compared
                                                                                to negative EBITDA of $4,662,000 for the
                                                                                quarter ended September 30, 2021.
                                                                                  For the nine months ended September
                                                                                30, 2022, the company reported revenues of

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2022
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