Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       between Tengasco and Riley, Tengasco will   common stock approved the reverse stock   use in the US and Canada. It is optimal for
       effect a 1-for-12 reverse stock split of its   split and gave Tengasco’s board of directors   those customers who need a smaller, lighter
       outstanding common stock. The reverse stock   discretionary authority to select a ratio for   trailer that can be more easily manoeuvred in
       split is expected to be effective for trading   the split ranging from 1-for-8 to 1-for-12. The   tight areas while still hauling the most gas in
       purposes as of the commencement of trading   board of directors approved the reverse stock   the industry in a 40-foot container.
       on Monday, March 1, 2021.           split at a ratio of 1-for-12 on February 25,   “Quantum has been supplying Certarus
         Upon the closing of the merger, which is   2021.                       with Virtual Pipeline trailers since 2017,
       expected to occur on Friday, February 26,   TENGASCO AND RILEY EXPLORATION –   and we look forward to continuing our
       2021, Tengasco will change its name to Riley   PERMIAN, February 25, 2021  partnership and supporting Certarus’ growth,”
       Exploration Permian and its common stock                                 said Mark Arold, President, Quantum Fuel
       will trade on the NYSE American on Monday,                               Systems LLC. “Our VPLite45/40’ is a key
       March 1, 2021 on a post reverse stock split   ENERGY TRANSITION          enabling technology to meet Certarus’
       basis under the symbol “REPX” under a new                                requirements.”
       CUSIP number 76665T 102.            Quantum Fuel Systems                   Additionally, the contract includes a
         As a result of the reverse stock split,                                development agreement for hydrogen virtual
       every twelve pre-split shares of common   awarded substantial natural    pipeline trailers to be delivered by the end of
       stock outstanding will become one share of                               2021. Certarus is in active discussions over
       common stock. The par value of the common   gas virtual pipeline trailer   several potential hydrogen pilot projects
       stock will remain unchanged at $0.001 per                                in which Quantum will provide trailers to
       share after the reverse stock split. The reverse   order and hydrogen virtual   transport hydrogen.
       stock split will not change the authorized                                 “Quantum has a long history with
       number of shares of Tengasco’s common   pipeline trailer development     hydrogen, starting in 1999 when we launched
       stock. The reverse stock split will affect all                           the world’s first 5,000 psi hydrogen system
       stockholders uniformly and will not alter   contract by Certarus         on a commercial vehicle, and then later were
       any stockholder’s%age interest in Tengasco’s                             the first to certify a 10,000 psi hydrogen
       equity, except to the extent that the reverse   Quantum Fuel Systems, a fully integrated   storage tank to international standards,”
       stock split would result in some stockholders   alternative energy company, has been selected   noted Arold. “We are very excited about
       owning a fractional share. In that regard, no   by Certarus to deliver industry-leading virtual   our partnership with Certarus, which will
       fractional shares will be issued in connection   pipeline trailers for natural gas in 2021 with a   leverage our decades of hydrogen expertise
       with the reverse split. Stockholders who would  total value of approximately $22mn.   for new applications today, to provide critical
       otherwise be entitled to receive a fractional   Certarus will receive Quantum’s   infrastructure technologies to help enable the
       share will instead receive one whole share of   VPLite45/40’ trailers, which have a gaseous   hydrogen economy.”
       common stock in lieu of such fractional share.  capacity of approximately 472,000 standard   QUANTUM FUEL SYSTEMS, February 24, 2021
         On February 25, 2021, the holders of a   cubic feet and weigh less than 59,000 pounds
       majority of Tengasco’s outstanding shares of   fully loaded. The VPLite45/40’ is certified for

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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