Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                from scope development all the way through
                                                                                  For Saulsbury, this award supports
                                                                                the company’s longstanding history and
                                                                                reputation as an industry leader in the oil
                                                                                and gas industry for self-performing the full
                                                                                engineering and construction of cryogenic gas
                                                                                processing facilities. Saulsbury is well known
                                                                                in this industry for its successful project
                                                                                execution and world-class safety performance.
                                                                                SAULSBURY INDUSTRIES, February 23, 2021

       MIDSTREAM                           to large liquefied natural gas (LNG) export
                                           facilities and other markets located on the   SERVICES
       Kinder Morgan and                   Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast. NGPL has   Oceaneering reports fourth-
                                           approximately 9,100 miles of pipeline, more
       Brookfield Infrastructure           than 1mn compression horsepower and   quarter and full-year 2020
                                           288bn cubic feet (bcf) of working natural gas
       announce minority interest          storage. NGPL provides its customers access   results
                                           to all major natural gas supply basins directly
       sale in Natural Gas Pipeline        and through its numerous interconnects with   Oceaneering International today reported
                                           intrastate and interstate pipeline systems.
       Company of America                  KINDER MORGAN AND BROOKFIELD         a net loss of $25.0mn, or $(0.25) per share,
                                                                                on revenue of $424mn for the three months
                                           INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERS, February 22,
       Kinder Morgan and Brookfield Infrastructure   2021                       ended December 31, 2020. Adjusted net
       Partners today jointly announced that they                               income was $1.8mn, or $0.02 per share,
       have agreed to sell a 25% minority interest in   Saulsbury awarded EPC   reflecting the impact of $9.8mn of pre-
       Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America                                  tax adjustments associated with asset
       (NGPL) to a fund controlled by ArcLight   contract for Midland Basin     impairments and write-offs, restructuring and
       Capital Partners for $830mn. The proceeds                                other expenses, and foreign exchange losses
       will be shared equally between KMI and   gas processing facility         recognised during the quarter, and $9.6mn of
       Brookfield Infrastructure. The value of                                  discrete tax adjustments.
       the minority interest implies an enterprise   Saulsbury was recently awarded a turnkey   During the prior quarter ended September
       value of approximately $5.2bn for NGPL,   EPC contract for the design and installation   30, 2020, Oceaneering reported a net loss of
       which is approximately 11.2 times 2020   of a new cryogenic processing facility in   $79.4mn, or $(0.80) per share, on revenue
       EBITDA. Upon closing, KMI and Brookfield   the Midland Basin for one of the leading   of $440mn. Adjusted net loss was $17.6mn,
       Infrastructure will each hold a 37.5% interest   gas processors in West Texas. This facility,   or $(0.18) per share, reflecting the impact of
       in NGPL, and KMI will continue to operate   designed with a base-rated capacity of   $68.7mn of pre-tax adjustments associated
       the pipeline.                       200 mmscfd, will be Saulsbury’s 59th   with goodwill impairment, write-offs of fixed
         “Kinder Morgan and Brookfield     cryogenic processing facility project since   assets, inventory write-downs, restructuring
       Infrastructure are pleased to welcome   2006, representing over 10.2 bcf per day of   expenses, and foreign exchange losses
       ArcLight into the NGPL joint venture,”   processing capacity, and its 21st cryogenic   recognised during the quarter, and $6.3mn of
       said Kinder Morgan Natural Gas Pipelines   processing facility in the West Texas region.  discrete tax adjustments.
       President Tom Martin. “We believe this   Saulsbury will be responsible for the   OCEANEERING INTERNATIONAL, February 24,
       investment shows the value of natural gas   engineering, procurement, construction,   2021
       infrastructure both today and in the decades   and commissioning of the processing facility
       to come.”                           that will include amine treating, TEG and
         For this transaction, NGPL is served by   molecular sieve dehydration, cryogenic gas   MOVES
       RBC Capital Markets as the exclusive financial   processing, residue gas compression, and all
       adviser and King and Spalding as the legal   balance of plant equipment, utilities, electrical,   Tengasco and Riley
       advisor. Barclays served as the exclusive   instrumentation, and controls infrastructure.
       financial advisor to ArcLight and has provided  Work begins in February 2021 with an   Exploration – Permian
       a committed debt financing to ArcLight to   expected in-service date of March 2022.
       support the transaction. Latham & Watkins   “We are very excited to partner with our   announce reverse stock
       served as legal advisor to ArcLight. The   client on this important project in these ever-
       transaction is expected to close in the first   changing market conditions for the expansion   split; merger expected to
       quarter of 2021.                    of processing capacity in their Midland
         NGPL is the largest transporter of   Basin infrastructure,” said Jimmy Matthews   close on February 26
       natural gas into the high-demand Chicago-  – Chief Operating Officer. “This project will
       area market as well as one of the largest   continue to demonstrate our commitment   Tengasco and Riley Exploration – Permian
       interstate pipeline systems in the country.   to providing safe, quality, and speed-to-  announced today that in anticipation of the
       It is also a major transporter of natural gas   market solutions for our clients’ projects   closing of the previously announced merger

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   25•February•2021
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