Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Producers, refiners restart operations

       after winter storm disruption

        US               REFINERIES on the US Gulf Coast – par-  $63.50 per barrel this week, helped by an assur-
                         ticularly in Texas – have started bringing their  ance from the US Federal Reserve that interest
                         plants back online following severe disruption  rates would stay low for a while.
                         caused by the winter storm last week. US pro-  Much of the disrupted upstream production
                         ducers whose operations were affected have  has been restored already, and a number of Gulf
                         already restored most of their output. Produc-  Coast refiners have started to bring their plants
                         tion, transport and refining of crude were all  back online. This includes Valero Energy’s Port
                         disrupted, as was the processing of natural gas.  Arthur refinery and Citgo Petroleum’s Corpus
                         (See NorthAmOil Week 07)             Christi plant, as well as two ExxonMobil refin-
                           US oil production losses were estimated  eries and a Marathon Petroleum facility – all in
                         to average 2mn barrels per day (bpd) over the  Texas – among others.
                         course of several days in mid-February, though   “The more refineries return to service, the
                         at its peak, the outage was estimated at 3.5mn  more crude oil they will burn through, and the
                         bpd or higher. At least 4mn bpd of refining  less crude oil will go to storage,” Mizuho’s direc-
                         capacity went offline as well, though consultancy  tor of energy futures, Bob Yawger, was quoted by
                         IHS Markit estimated that the amount of refin-  Reuters as saying.
                         ing capacity affected was closer to 6mn bpd.  However, restarting refineries that went   Refining runs
                           Refining runs fell to levels not seen since  offline will take time. For example, Motiva
                         2008, according to the US Energy Information  Enterprises, which operates the largest refinery   fell to levels
                         Administration (EIA).                in the US, with a capacity of 607,000 bpd, in Port
                           Texas saw some of the worst impact, given  Arthur, notified the Texas Commission on Envi-  not seen since
                         that the state – the largest for both oil produc-  ronmental Quality (TCEQ) of plans to begin a
                         tion and refining capacity – is not accustomed  17-day restart on February 22.  2008, according
                         to extremely low temperatures. The majority of   Indeed, while some units at certain facilities   to the US Energy
                         Texas’ energy infrastructure had not been win-  have been restarted, JPMorgan analysts warned
                         terised, which resulted in various facilities failing  in a note this week that it may take until March 5   Information
                         or having to be shut down as equipment froze.  for all of the shut-in capacity to come back online
                           This was compounded by the fact that Texas  – and there is a risk of further delays.  Administration.
                         relies on natural gas for most of its power gener-  “As refiners assessed the damage to their facil-
                         ation. Gas output outages put additional strain  ities, it became clear that the road to recovery
                         on the grid as demand for power for heating shot  would be weeks rather than days,” the analysts
                         up, but at the same time, power outages affected  wrote.
                         energy supply chains, further disruption pro-  Illustrating this is Marathon, which had
                         duction and processing of oil and gas.  restarted the co-generation unit at its Galveston
                           The crisis helped push oil prices to their high-  Bay refinery, according to sources familiar with
                         est levels since 2019, with West Texas Interme-  plant operations, cited by Reuters on February
                         diate (WTI) staying elevated this week even as  22. However, the sources added that process
                         temperatures rose and energy operations were  lines, fittings and water pipes throughout the
                         being restored. Indeed, WTI climbed to around  refinery needed repair.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   25•February•2021
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