Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         were working on the pipeline, but the number  along portions of the ANR pipeline system. The
                         was down to around 600 as of early February.  $200mn project is anticipated to enter service in
                         This was subsequently ramped up to 963, and  the second half of 2022.
                         the project now has permission to increase
                         the number further, to 2,787, over the coming  What next?
                         weeks.                               While TC Energy will take a hit in the first quar-
                           However, TC Energy has warned that the  ter of 2020 owing to the cancellation of the Key-
                         pandemic will lead to “significantly” higher  stone XL permit, the company’s performance
                         costs and delays to the construction schedule for  stands to be bolstered by the impact of freezing
                         the pipeline, which will serve the LNG Canada  temperatures across the US last week. During its
                         facility. The pipeline will transport 2.1bn cubic  earnings call, the company said demand for gas
                         feet (59.5mn cubic metres) per day of gas, with  it moves through its system spiked in mid-Feb-
                         the possibility of expanding the capacity to up to  ruary as the Southern US in particular struggled
                         5 bcf (141.2 mcm) per day in the future through  with gas production and pipeline outages.
                         additional compressor and meter facilities. It   “During the polar vortex that covered most
                         was previously scheduled to come into service  of the US over the past week, we experienced
                         in the second half of 2022 but given TC Energy’s  unprecedented sustained demand for our pipe-
                         latest comments, start-up is now expected to be  line capacity as we set a record for coincidental
                         pushed back to a later date.         three-day peak deliveries of over 101 bcf [2.9bn
                           More than 140 km of pipe have been laid in  cubic metres] from February 14 to the 16th,”
                         British Columbia so far.             Poirier said.                         TC Energy has
                           Separately, TC Energy’s Nova Gas Transmis-  However, the company said it had to issue
                         sion Ltd (NGTL) has been given the green light  a force majeure declaration relating to its   warned that
                         by regulators to submit a new plan by June 30 for  liquids business because some of its clients   the pandemic
                         its network spanning Alberta and BC.  were without power and could not receive its
                           The plan is aimed at providing a storage  deliveries.                     will lead to
                         delivery service that would prevent pipeline   Looking ahead to the remainder of the year,
                         bottlenecks from depressing Canadian nat-  TC Energy has set a budget of roughly CAD7bn   “significantly”
                         ural gas prices. It comes after NGTL accepted  ($5.6bn) for investment into growth projects,
                         an emergency two-year plan in mid-2019 in  maintenance capital and contributions to equity   higher costs
                         an effort to combat low prices. The Canadian  investments. The majority of this will go towards   and delays to
                         Energy Regulator (CER) has rejected a request  NGTL system expansions, US gas pipelines, the
                         by the Explorers and Producers Association of  Bruce Power life extension programme and   the construction
                         Canada (EPAC) for a one-year extension of the  normal course maintenance, according to TC
                         emergency plan.                      Energy’s executive vice president of strategy   schedule for
                           In the US, meanwhile, TC Energy brought the  and corporate development and chief financial
                         BXP gas pipeline project into partial service in  officer, Donald Marchand.  Coastal GasLink.
                         October, with full service on the system begin-  “We do not believe disruptions related to
                         ning in January. The company also recently  COVID-19 will be material to our overall 2021
                         approved the Wisconsin Access project, which  capital programme, but recognised that uncer-
                         involves replacing, upgrading and modernis-  tainty exists in both the short and longer term,”
                         ing certain facilities while reducing emissions  Marchand said.™

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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