Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil unveils major

       downward reserves revision

        GLOBAL           SUPER-MAJOR ExxonMobil has revised its  a recovery in the SEC [Securities and Exchange
                         global oil reserves downwards, to levels never  Commission] price basis, cost reductions, oper-
                         seen before in the company’s recent history. The  ating efficiencies and increases in planned capital
                         revision, notably, included wiping nearly all of its  spending,” ExxonMobil said in the filing.
                         Canadian oil sands reserves from its books.  The company’s reserves are now at their low-
                           According to a regulatory filing this week, the  est since the merger between Exxon and Mobil in
                         super-major’s total reserves for all products fell  1999, which the super-major attributed to “very
                         to 15.2bn barrels of oil equivalent at the end of  low prices during 2020 and the effects of reduc-
                         2020 from 22.4bn boe the previous year. This was  tions in capital expenditures”. Indeed, the latest
                         mostly driven by the oil sands, though US shale  revision is steeper than the one made during the
       ExxonMobil’s oil sands   gas properties also played a significant part.  2014-16 oil industry downturn, when Exxon-
       reserves dropped by   The revisions are dependent in part on oil  Mobil had a 4.8bn boe cut to its reserves.
       98%.              prices, however, and the higher cost of oil sands   The company cut the value of its shale gas
                         developments means they are more vulnerable  assets – which it had previously been talking up
                         to removal from a company’s books when crude  as a growing priority – by over $20bn last year.
                         prices fall, as they did last year. ExxonMobil’s oil   The downward reserves revision comes just
                         sands reserves dropped by 98%, according to the  weeks after ExxonMobil also posted its first
                         filing, but can be brought back as crude prices  annual loss in at least 40 years. The super-ma-
                         rise.                                jor had previously warned that low prices could
                           “Among the factors that could result in por-  wipe up to one-fifth of its oil and gas reserves
                         tions of these amounts being recognised again  from its books, but this revision equates to
                         as proven reserves at some point in the future are  around a third.™

       Cheniere sees loss shrink

       on recovering LNG demand

        US GULF COAST    LEADING US LNG producer Cheniere Energy  colder-than-expected weather and certain sup-
                         has posted a net loss of $194mn for the fourth  ply and transport bottlenecks.
                         quarter of 2020. While this was a decrease on   Cheniere said it exported 130 cargoes of LNG
                         a net profit of $939mn in the fourth quarter of  in the fourth quarter of 2020 – unchanged from
                         2019, it marked an improvement on a loss of  the fourth quarter of 2019. Over the whole of
                         $463mn in the third quarter of 2020.  2020, however, the company’s exports totalled
                           The result illustrates how demand for LNG  391 cargoes, down from 429 in the prior year.
                         is recovering after a downturn last year that was  Exports notably fell over the summer of 2020, as
                         largely caused by the first wave of the coronavi-  a number of buyers cancelled cargoes scheduled
                         rus (COVID-19) pandemic and the lockdowns  for loading from US terminals. Cheniere, as the
                         that were brought in globally in an effort to slow  largest US exporter of LNG, was hit the hardest
                         the spread of the virus.             by these cancellations.
                           The company also expressed confidence   However, the company said that last week’s
                         over the trajectory of the recovery, saying it was  winter storm had “no material impact” on its
                         raising its forecast for adjusted earnings before  assets or operations. Cheniere kept both its
                         interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation  export terminals operating throughout the
                         (EBITDA) to $4.1-4.4bn, up from a previous  period, unlike the two other exporters on the
                         projection of $3.9-4.2bn.            Gulf Coast, though its feed gas volumes report-
                           “A slow return towards normal is expected to  edly fell to around 25% of what they were
                         occur in the coming months, depending on the  previously.
                         speed of vaccine rollout within regions, and the   Separately from its quarterly results, Cheniere
                         speed and shape of economic recovery across  announced that it would start providing its LNG
                         the LNG-importing nations,” Cheniere said. Its  customers with greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
                         comments came after demand already improved  sions data associated with each LNG cargo pro-
                         in Asia this winter, thanks to a combination of  duced at its terminals from 2022.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   25•February•2021
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