Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       TC Energy posts profit, eyes

       growth opportunities

       Canada’s TC Energy says it has identified significant opportunities to

       grow its natural gas and power and storage businesses

        NORTH AMERICA    IN the wake of US President Joe Biden’s cancella-  ($865mn) in the fourth quarter of 2020 from
                         tion of the cross-border permit for the Keystone  CAD970mn ($777mn) a year prior.
       WHAT:             XL pipeline, which effectively killed the pro-  TC Energy said it expects to record a substan-
       TC Energy sees gas and   ject, operator TC Energy is turning its focus to  tial non-cash charge in its first-quarter earnings
       power and storage as   other areas of its business. While the company  owing to the Keystone XL permit cancellation,
       businesses that have   expressed its disappointment with Biden’s deci-  but it did not provide further details at this stage.
       considerable potential   sion on Keystone XL in its fourth-quarter earn-  It is also considering selling steel and other spare
       to grow.          ings call last week, TC Energy’s CEO, François  equipment from the project, and is still consid-
                         Poirier, noted that it has a “large and diversified”  ering the next steps for the failed pipeline plan.
       WHY:              asset base.                           However, it already said it had immediately
       The company suffered   “Our goal is to be able to prosper irrespective  begun to wind down construction and spending
       a blow with the   of how the energy mix evolves over time,” he  on the pipeline in the wake of Biden’s decision.
       cancellation of the   told analysts on the earnings call.  “They’re not saying, frankly, that it’s officially
       cross-border permit   Poirier’s comments come as a growing num-  dead, but practically speaking, they’re moving
       for Keystone XL but has   ber of countries adopt decarbonisation goals  on,” an Industrial Alliance Securities analyst,
       turned its focus to other   in a bid to address climate change. Against this  Elias Foscolos, told CBC News last week.
       projects.         backdrop, many consider natural gas to have a
                         significant role to play, certainly in the shorter  Making progress
       WHAT NEXT:        term, but also in the longer term if gas compa-  TC Energy is making progress with various pro-
       The pandemic will lead   nies are able to win over opponents of fossil fuel  jects, particularly gas-focused ones, in line with
       to cost overruns and   development and persuade them of the need to  the areas where it sees growth opportunities.
       delays for the company’s   complement renewable energy with gas.  The company said last week its Coastal GasLink
       Coastal GasLink project.  Indeed, TC Energy has identified what it sees  project, which is currently under construction,
                         as significant opportunities to grow its natural  has been approved to emerge from restrictions
                         gas and power and storage businesses.  imposed late last year as a result of the coronavi-
                           The company reported a net profit attrib-  rus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         utable to common shares of CAD1.124 bn   The company will gradually deploy addi-
                         ($890mn) for the fourth quarter of 2020, up  tional personnel across the gas pipeline’s 667-
                         from CAD1.108bn ($878mn) year on year.  km route as it works towards full remobilisation.
                         Its comparable earnings rose to CAD1.08bn  Prior to the pandemic, around 4,000 people

                                                                                                  TC Energy is still
                                                                                                  considering the next
                                                                                                  steps for the failed
                                                                                                  Keystone XL pipeline
                                                                                                  plan, but analysts
                                                                                                  consider the project to
                                                                                                  be effectively dead.

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