Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US EPA backs biofuels industry

       on refinery waivers

        US               THE US federal government announced on Feb-  “We all understand the anxiety and the fear as
                         ruary 22 that it would back the domestic ethanol  we make this transition that folks in your states
                         industry on controversial waivers given to oil  have,” he told the politicians in public comments.
                         refineries who were being told to blend biofuels  “What I know is we’ve been instructed that we
                         into their gasoline.                 are not to leave any community behind. In order
                           Under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS),  for us to be successful, every state and every
                         small oil refineries – with a capacity of less than  community has to see itself in our vision.” Regan
                         75,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude – can be  has yet to be confirmed.    The EPA now
                         awarded exemptions if they successfully argue   Specifically, the EPA said it will support a
                         that to blend as much biofuel into their supply  decision issued a year ago by the Denver-based   agrees that
                         as required under the RFS would cause them  10th US Circuit Court of Appeals in a lawsuit
                         financial hardship.                  filed by the Renewable Fuels Association, a bio-  Congress
                           The controversial waivers skyrocketed in  fuels lobby group, and the National Corn Grow-
                         number during the pro-fossil fuel administration  ers Association, American Coalition for Ethanol   intended the
                         of President Donald Trump, a climate-change  and National Farmers Union.   waivers to be
                         denier. The new president, Joe Biden, came into   The EPA now agrees that Congress intended
                         office last month with a vow to increase US use  the waivers to be temporary. The US Supreme   temporary.
                         of renewable energy.                 Court,  which  has  a  conservative  majority
                           The news is important because it represents  because of appointments made by Trump, will
                         a 180-degree change in stance by Biden’s Envi-  hear the case this spring.
                         ronmental Protection Agency (EPA). Biden   Under Trump, the EPA issued 85 retroactive
                         has described climate-change as a crisis and has  small refinery exemptions for the 2016-2018
                         vowed to increase the use of renewable energy.  compliance years. According to the RFA, this
                           A glimpse of the direction of the EPA under  slashed the biofuel blended into gasoline by 4bn
                         Biden was given by his nominee to head the  gallons (15.1bn litres).
                         agency, Michael Regan, in early February. Regan   The plaintiffs, reacting to the EPA announce-
                         told Congress that the US must make the tran-  ment, said: “This announcement marks a major
                         sition from fossil fuels and that millions of jobs  step forward by the Biden administration to
                         will come from investing in a new green econ-  restore the integrity of the Renewable Fuel
                         omy, reported the Washington Post.   Standard and honour the intent of Congress.”™

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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