Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            quarter and averaged 252.5 mboe per day for   oil wells also targeting initial production in
                                           the year.                            mid-2021. The recent acquisitions come on
       Cimarex reports fourth-             averaged $40.09 per barrel, down 27% from   the heels of US Energy deploying more than
                                             In the fourth quarter realised oil prices
                                                                                $100mn in new projects over the past 12
       quarter and full-year 2020          the $54.80 per barrel received in the fourth   months. The firm continues to actively search
                                                                                for additional investment opportunities and
                                           quarter of 2019. Realised natural gas prices
       results                             averaged $1.69 per 1,000 cubic feet (mcf), up   joint ventures in 2021.
                                                                                  “The Shetland and WarWink projects
                                           42% from the fourth quarter 2019 average of
       Cimarex Energy today reported net income   $1.19 per mcf. NGL prices averaged $14.02   are instrumental in US Energy’s continued
       for fourth quarter 2020 of $24.7mn, or $0.25   per barrel, down one% from the $14.13 per   growth and expansion in the Permian Basin,”
       per share, compared to a net loss of $384.1mn,   barrel received in the fourth quarter of 2019.   said Jordan Jayson, chairman and CEO,
       or $3.87 per share, in the same period a year   For the full year, Cimarex realised $35.59 per   US Energy. “These projects offer favorable
       ago. For the full year, Cimarex reported a   barrel of oil, down 33% from 2019, $1.05 per   valuations, desirable locations and strong
       net loss of $1,967.5mn, or $19.73 per share,   mcf of natural gas and $10.53 per barrel of   projected returns. They rank amongst the
       compared to 2019 net loss of $124.6mn, or   NGLs sold.                   most attractive projects we have seen in our
       $1.33 per share. Both fourth quarter and full   CIMAREX ENERGY, February 22, 2021  40 year history.”
       year results were negatively impacted by a                                 Energy projects located in opportunity
       non-cash charge related to the impairment   US Energy Development        zones, like the Shetland project, provide
       of oil and gas properties. Fourth quarter                                additional tax benefits to investors.
       2020 adjusted net income (non-GAAP)   Corporation continues to           Opportunity zones allow qualified investors to
       was $91.3mn, or $0.89 per share, compared                                defer short or long-term capital gains, receive
       to adjusted net income (non-GAAP) of   expand its projects in the        10% of their deferral tax free, while also
       $120.4mn, or $1.18 per share in the same                                 qualifying for tax-free gains on investments
       period a year ago1. Full year 2020 adjusted   Permian Basin              held longer than 10 years. This is in addition
       net income (non-GAAP) was $142.2mn, or                                   to the traditional tax benefits oil and gas
       $1.39 per share, compared to $448.8mn, or   US Energy Development Corporation, an   projects receive.
       $4.46 per share in 20191. Adjusted cash flow   exploration & production (E&P) firm which   “Some of the best areas for oil and gas
       from operations (non-GAAP) was $256.6mn   provides direct investments in energy, has   production are located in opportunity zone
       in fourth quarter 2020 compared to $416.0mn   announced the acquisition of interests in   census tracts,” noted Matthew Iak, executive
       in the same period a year ago1. Full year 2020   the Shetland and WarWink oil development   vice president of US Energy.
       adjusted cash flow from operations (non-  projects. Both assets are core Permian projects   US ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION,
       GAAP) was $944.2mn compared to $1.46bn   located in the Delaware Basin close to the   February 23, 2021
       in 20191.                           Texas and New Mexico state lines.
         Oil volumes in the fourth quarter were   Located in an opportunity zone in Eddy   EP Energy closes divestiture
       sequentially lower, averaging 67,800 barrels   County, New Mexico, the Shetland project
       per day. For the full year, Cimarex reported   contains an interest in 14 producing wells   of Southern Midland Basin
       average daily oil volumes of 76,700 barrels,   and six recently proposed oil wells targeting
       an 11% year-over-year decrease. Cimarex   initial production in mid-2021. The WarWink   assets
       produced 229.5 thousand barrels of oil   project is located in Winkler County, Texas,
       equivalent (mboe) per day in the fourth   and contains an ownership interest in two   EP Energy Corporation announced today that
                                                                                it has closed the divestiture of its Southern
                                                                                Midland Basin assets.
                                                                                  EP Energy’s go-forward portfolio will
                                                                                consist of approximately 410,000 gross
                                                                                (270,000 net) acres in the Uinta Basin in
                                                                                Northeastern Utah and the Eagle Ford.
                                                                                Average daily net production for the fourth
                                                                                quarter 2020 pro-forma for the transaction
                                                                                was 44,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                                                                                and 28,000 barrels of oil per day. End of year
                                                                                2020 Net Debt and Liquidity, pro-forma for
                                                                                the transaction was approximately $95mn and
                                                                                $465mn, respectively.
                                                                                  President and chief executive officer Russell
                                                                                Parker said: “We are very pleased to close this
                                                                                transaction that enables EP Energy to core up
                                                                                its portfolio and significantly reduce debt. EP
                                                                                Energy has industry leading leverage metrics,
                                                                                a strong liquidity position, and an asset base
                                                                                that generates attractive returns and free cash
                                                                                flow in the current price environment.”
                                                                                EP ENERGY CORPORATION, February 24, 2021

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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