Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Waterous increases offer for Osum stake

        CANADA           CALGARY-BASED private equity firm Water-  Waterous said in its statement that its latest bid
                         ous Energy Fund announced last week that it was  had the support of all five executive officers of
                         upping its offer for a stake in Osum Oil Sands.  Osum, including chairman William Friley and
                         Waterous is now offering to buy 57mn common  CEO Steve Spence.
                         shares in Osum at CAD3.00 ($2.40) per share,   The new bid will remain open for acceptance
                         up from a previous offer of 52.5mn shares at  until March 1.
                         CAD2.40 ($1.92) per share. The firm already   Osum is not the only Canadian producer
                         holds a 45% stake in Osum.           to have been fighting off a hostile bid in recent
                           The new offer, unveiled on February 18,  months. In August, Obsidian Energy proposed
                         comes not long after the previous – hostile –  to take over Bonterra Energy, offering two com-
                         bid that would have given Waterous an 85%  mon shares of Obsidian for each Bonterra share.
                         stake in Osum was rejected. Indeed, Osum  In November, Obsidian shareholders voted to
                         filed an application with the Alberta Securities  approve the issuance of up to 72.3mn shares to
                         Commission in December to halt the previous  carry out the transaction despite strong resist-
                         bid, arguing that the offer was “inadequate”  ance from Bonterra. Indeed, Bonterra dubbed
                         and undervalued its assets. The new price rep-  the offer a “take-under bid” based on relative
                         resents a 25% increase on the original offer  stock prices.
                         price, implying a deal value of CAD171mn   Obsidian has extended the deadline to accept
                         ($137mn).                            its offer more than once, and the bid is currently
                           The amended offer was more favourably  set to expire on March 29. However, in an oper-
                         received, with Osum announcing on February  ational update last week, Bonterra reiterated its
                         23 that its board had withdrawn its recommen-  previous recommendation to shareholders to
                         dation that shareholders reject the all-cash offer.  reject the hostile offer.™

       Calcasieu Pass LNG start-up

       could be ahead of schedule

        LOUISIANA        VENTURE Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass export  with a capacity of 0.626mn tpy, configured in
                         terminal in Louisiana could be on course to start  nine blocks. The first two trains arrived at the
                         up ahead of schedule. The facility is targeted for  Calcasieu Pass site in November, having been
                         start-up in late 2022 but this week, Bloomberg  manufactured by Baker Hughes in Italy. Ven-
                         cited traders familiar with the matter as saying  ture Global hailed the arrival of the trains, less
                         Venture Global has offered at least 12 LNG car-  than 15 months after reaching a final investment
                         goes for loading from Calcasieu Pass between  decision (FID) on the project, as representing a
                         October 2021 and December 2022.      “step-change in LNG construction” at the time.
                           If the cargoes are awarded, they would be first   The company would use the same modular
                         to be sold on the spot market from the Calcasieu  design for any other projects it decides to pro-
                         Pass plant. Bloomberg acknowledged, however,  ceed with, and indeed, it is targeting an FID on
                         that LNG tenders are not always awarded and  Plaquemines LNG, also in Louisiana, for later
                         that cargoes being offered could be test ship-  this year. It has also proposed two further plants
                         ments. Nonetheless, Venture Global’s CEO,  – Delta LNG and CP2 LNG – though there has
                         Mike Sabel, said in December that construction  been some speculation that it may seek to replace
                         at Calcasieu Pass was ahead of schedule. This was  Delta with CP2.
                         attributed to the project’s modular approach to   Venture Global’s reported efforts to market
                         construction allowing it to proceed despite the  spot cargoes come as competition intensifies in
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and a par-  the global LNG market. However, LNG produc-
                         ticularly active hurricane season in 2020.  ers will be hoping that recent market volatility
                           The 10mn tonne per year facility will consist  will prompt buyers to take extra steps to ensure
                         of eighteen small-scale liquefaction trains, each  future stability by locking in more supply.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   25•February•2021
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