Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Pioneer reports fourth-quarter profit

        PERMIAN BASIN    PIONEER Natural Resources posted a net  results illustrate that while a recovery is under
                         profit for the fourth quarter of 2020 this week,  way, major producers have not yet brought their
                         with the result beating analyst expectations. The  performance in line with pre-pandemic levels.
                         company, which recently solidified its position   For the whole of 2020, Pioneer reported a net
                         as one of the largest players in the US’ Permian  loss of $200mn, compared with a net profit of
                         Basin through its acquisition of Parsley Energy,  $756mn for 2019. Its cash flow from operations
                         had delayed the release of its results owing to  in the fourth quarter of the year totalled $537mn.
                         the disruption caused by the winter storm last   Pioneer’s production averaged 364,000 bar-
                         week.                                rels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) over the
                           On February 23, Pioneer posted fourth-quar-  fourth quarter of 2020, which the company said
                         ter net income attributable to common stock-  was in the upper half of its guidance. The com-
                         holders of $43mn, or $0.26 per diluted share.  pany cited efficiency gains as helping it to bring
                         However, it noted that this figure included the  58 horizontal wells online during the fourth
                         effects of “non-cash mark-to-market adjust-  quarter and 255 wells over the full year.
                         ments and certain other unusual items”. Exclud-  For 2021, Pioneer expects its drilling, com-
                         ing these items, Pioneer’s adjusted income for  pletions and facilities capital budget to be $2.4-
                         the fourth quarter reached $177mn, or $1.07 per  2.7bn, with an additional $100mn budgeted for
                         share, while Refinitiv estimates cited by Reuters  integration expenses related to the acquisition of
                         showed that analysts had expected earnings of  Parsley. The total capital budget for 2021 is there-
                         $0.68 per share, excluding one-time items.  fore $2.5-2.8bn.
                           This result compares with adjusted income   The company anticipates oil production of
                         of $395mn in the fourth quarter of 2019, and  307,000-322,000 barrels per day (bpd) this year,
                         adjusted income of $26mn in the third quarter  and total production of 528,000-554,000 boepd.
                         of 2020, with both of these figures also exclud-  It is planning to operate an average of 18-20 hori-
                         ing one-time items. Sequential and year-on-year  zontal drilling rigs in the Permian Basin.™

       Occidental posts larger-than-expected loss

        US               OCCIDENTAL  Petroleum posted a larg-   Occidental was weighed down by debt
                         er-than-expected loss for the fourth quarter of  when the last oil downturn began in early 2020,
                         2020 this week, having delayed the release of its  spurred by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         result amid the winter storm that caused major  demic. Indeed, the company has debt worth
                         disruption, including to the oil and gas industry,  roughly $33.6bn, and is planning to sell $2-3bn
                         in the US last week.                 worth of assets this year in an effort to pay it
                           The company’s net loss attributable to com-  down. It has reiterated that its capital spending
                         mon stockholders for the fourth quarter of 2020  will amount to about $2.9bn over the course of
                         amounted to $1.3bn, or $1.41 per diluted share.  2021.
                         Its adjusted loss came to $731mn, or $0.78 per   The company expects its production over the
                         share, compared with analyst expectations of a  whole of 2021 to remain flat compared with the
                         loss of $0.59, according to IBES data, and down  fourth quarter of 2020 at around 1.14mn barrels
                         from a loss of $0.30 per share in the fourth quar-  of oil equivalent per day (boepd). Occidental’s
                         ter of 2019.                         Permian Basin unit exceeded its production
                           The latest loss included a pre-tax charge of  guidance for the fourth quarter, achieving
                         $820mn from the sale of oil assets in West Texas,  382,000 boepd. However, even as the company’s
                         and came despite the fact that Occidental col-  Permian output grows, it will fall short of previ-
                         lected 5% more – or $40.77 per barrel – for its  ous expectations.
                         oil in the fourth quarter compared with the third   Occidental said its total Permian production
                         quarter.                             is expected to be about 485,000 boepd in 2021,
                           With commodity prices recovering, the com-  falling well short of the 800,000 barrels per day
                         pany also collected 31% more for its natural gas  (bpd) of pipeline space it has committed to. As a
                         during the fourth quarter of 2020 compared with  result, the company will need to buy the balance
                         the third.                           elsewhere, adding to its costs.™

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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