Page 7 - V. Motta: 2020/21 Creative Portfolio
P. 7

                                                                                                      Vol, 0

               The theme of space/
        universe would best suit this
        piece, as due to its (universe)
        size and constant expansion,
        an object can float towards
        “nowhere”. When composing,
        I often think on the journey I
        want to take the listener to.
        Through Space is slightly dif-
        ferent, as the journey takes
        the listener towards nowhere;
        instead, it always comes back
        to a similar point, giving a
        sense of familiarity and mel-
        ancholy, as no matter how
        much we move within space,
        it seems we are always sur-
        rounded by the same el-                                                       What interested me
        ements as our departure                                               the most in Through Space
        point.. The concept of gener-                                         was the coding part and how
        ative music is being used to                                          precise I could control the
        reflect the vast space, whilst                                        “environment”.  I have writ-
        the selection of pitches and                                          ten for jazz before and em-
        sounds used help to evoke a                                           ployed the use of improvisa-
        melancholic sound, reinforc-                                          tion slashes, however, while
        ing the idea of floating alone                                        coding, I was able to add a
        towards nowhere.                                                      very precise element of con-
                                                                              trolled randomness. I could
                                                                              control minimal details within
                                                                              this randomness, from letting
                                                                              the computer choose a value
                                                                              for stereo panning within a
                                                                              framework to a completely
                                                                              random integers for rests.
                                                                              The overlay of all random-
                                                                              ness results in a different
                                                                              performance every time.
                                                                              Different from jazz, working
                                                                              within computer generated
                                                                              sound, allows me to explore
                                                                              areas that I would not be
                                                                              able to explore efficiently
                                                                              with a performer; for exam-
                                                                              ple, controlling the  panning,
                                                                              easily achieving microtones
                                                                              and creating a more inde-
                                                                              pendent layer which disre-
                                                                              gards everything surrounding
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