Page 8 - V. Motta: 2020/21 Creative Portfolio
P. 8
12 Days Mosaic
for mixed ensemble
his piece aims to convey
my interpretation of Mo-
Tments as a form. When
I was exposed to Moments, I
extracted the following: un-
relaed ideas are joined to-
gether; in a very similar way
to a Mosaic; by Mosaic, I was
referring as an art, similar to
the pop arts by the Brazilian
painter Romro Brito.
R. Brito - New Cheek To Cheek
12 Days Mosaic is a
piece which was composed
during the time frame of 12
days; the number 12 was cho-
sen as I would work on this
piece for 2 weeks, 12 days
of ideas and 2 days to rest
or to adjust layout, fonts
and house style of the score. R. Brito - Britto Garden
Whilst working on this piece, I
have employed the following
restriction: I can only work in
one idea for each day and
cannot change anything from The work Momente by
previous ideas. This restric- Stockhausen was my starting
tion allowed me to come up point as well as the intro-
with more ideas. On the other ductory piece to the music
hand, I now feel that some form of Moments. I found it
elements and ideas could be interesting as each moment
refined, though this would was somewhat unpredicta-
break the previously estab- ble, guiding me to unexpect-
lished restriction. ed places. I incorporated