Page 127 - Lawyer Humor PUB_Neat
P. 127
Speaking of morality, a lawyer was talking to his
associate and said,
“As soon as I found out the deal was illegal
and crooked, I got out of it.”
Without looking up from what he was doing, his
associate asked,
“Oh? How much?”
Lawyers aren’t saints, but all of us
aren’t crooks either. The infamous
Clarence Darrow, a renown lawyer
of national fame, returned home
after many years.
He met a doctor that he’d gone to
Clarence Darrow school with, and the doctor said,
“Darrow if you’d listened to me, you too would now
be a doctor.”
Clarence said, “Oh, and what may I ask is wrong
with being a lawyer?”
The doctor replied, “Well, I don’t say all lawyers are
crooks, but let’s face facts: even you must admit that
your profession doesn’t make angels out of men.”
Darrow chuckled and said: