Page 27 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Al-Khawaga and Abdelalim Stem Cell Research & Therapy          (2020) 11:437            Page 8 of 33

            Anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects of MSCs  MSCs can affect on the endothelial differentiation of
            MSCs reduce the pro-inflammatory effect of DCs by sup-  endothelial progenitor cells in vitro, mainly dependent
            pressing their secretion of TNF [82]. Also, plasmacytoid  on VEGF [94]. Human leukocyte antigen-G5 (HLA-G5)
            DCs (pDCs), a set of specific cells for the secretion of high  is another soluble factor secreted by MSCs and its secre-
            levels of type I IFN, increase the production of IL-10 fol-  tion is IL-10-dependent. HLA-G5 is required to suppress
            lowing the incubation with MSCs [82]. MSCs can further  the function of T lymphocytes and NK cells and to acti-
            inhibit the cytotoxic activity of resting NK cells by redu-  vate regulatory T cells [95]. Galectin-1 and 3 (Gal-1 and
            cing the production of natural cytotoxicity receptor 3  Gal-3) as well as Semaphorin-3A (Sema-3A) are other
            (NKp30) and natural-killer group 2, member D (NKG2D),  secreted MSC immune regulators, known for their in-
            involved in the activation of NK cells and target cell killing  hibitory activities. Gal-1 and Sema-3A are two soluble
            [83]. Therefore, MSCs inhibit NK cell proliferation and  factors that can suppress T cell proliferation via
            IFN production [84, 85]. Also, neutrophils are important  neuropilin-1 (NP-1) binding [96, 97]. MSC-derived Gal-
            cells of innate immunity, undergoing a process known as  1 significantly regulates the release of TNFα, IFNγ, IL-2,
            the respiratory burst when binding to an antigen. MSCs  and IL-10 [97].
            have been reported to eliminate the respiratory burst and  Finally, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) and
            to prevent the neutrophil cell death by an IL-6-dependent  programmed death-1 (PDL1) are among the other se-
            mechanism [86]. Also, MSCs play a key role in the adap-  creted regulators of MSCs. IL-1Ra is among the anti-
            tive immune system, where it inhibits the proliferation of  inflammatory cytokine produced by MSCs, which can in-
            T cells activated with antigens [76]. This leads to a reduc-  hibit Th17 polarization. IL-1Ra expression tends to in-
            tion in the IFN production and an increase in IL-4 pro-  crease in MSCs exposed to IL-1β,TNF-α, and IFN-γ.
            duction by T helper 2 (T2) cells, indicating a change in T  Th17 cells induce the upregulation of PDL1, playing a
            cells from a pro-inflammatory (IFN-producing) to an anti-  major role in activating the MSC immunosuppressive ef-
            inflammatory (IL-4-producing) state [82].         fect [98]. PDL1 further support the cell-cell contact
              Furthermore, MSCs have been shown to downregulate  through MSC-mediated inhibition on Th17 cells [98].
            CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)-mediated cytotox-  MSC enhanced PDL1 ligand secretion suppress the activa-
            icity [87] and further inhibit B cell expansion in vitro.  tion of CD4 T cells and downregulate IL-2 secretion [99].
            Also, MSCs can suppress B cell differentiation and the
            constitutive secretion of chemokine receptors, affected  MSC-derived exosomes
            by the MSC-mediated suppression of T cell functions  Extracellular vesicle (EV) is a term including both exo-
            [88]. Furthermore, MSC-derived IDO has been shown to  somes and microvesicles (MVs). The exosome diameter
            be required in the inhibition of the expansion of IFN-  is less than 200 nm, while MV diameter can reach up to
            secreting Th1 cells and, together with PGE2, to stop NK  1000 nm. The secretomes of MSCs and their vesicles
            cell activity [89].                               offer a powerful tool for cell-free therapy due to their
                                                              paracrine and/or endocrine effects [100]. This strategy
            Anti-apoptotic and protective functions of MSCs   bypasses most of the safety concerns related to cell-
            Several pro-inflammatory molecules modulate the im-  based therapy, such as contamination with oncogenic
            munosuppressive, trafficking, and paracrine potential of  cells and continuous cell proliferation [101]. The key
            MSCs. Enhanced paracrine potential of MSCs induced  features of MSC-derived EVs are (1) non-proliferative,
            by TNF-α, IL-1b, and nitric oxide (NO), ultimately  which reduce the risk of tumor formation; (2) negative
            increases MSC secretions of regenerative, immunomod-  for HLA-I and HLA-II, which can be induced, and
            ulatory, and trafficking molecules, including the key fac-  therefore, they can be used from other individuals with-
            tor, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) [90]. Heme  out any risk of immune response; (3) small in size allow-
            oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is upregulated by TNF-α, IL-1α,or  ing them to pass from the small blood capillaries; and
            NO in endothelial cells or alveolar cells, where MSCs  (4) stored without using DMSO, which may change their
            overexpressing HO-1 showed an increase in the anti-  characteristics [102]. EVs bind to a receptor on the cell
            inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and vascular remodeling  membrane of the targeted cells, where they merge with
            properties [91]. Upregulation of HO-1 increases produc-  the membrane to secrete the EV contents inside the cell
            tion of trophic molecules, such as FGF2, and IGF-1, and  or enter into the cytoplasm in the form of endocytic ves-
            VEGF [90]. Fibroblast growth factor-10 (FGF-10), kera-  icles [103].
            tinocyte growth factor-2 (KGF-2), has been found to  EVs have proposed as an effective vehicle for deliver-
            regulate epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that are  ing miRNAs, which control above 60% of the mRNAs;
            crucial for the development of lung [92]. FGF-10 exerts  therefore, transferring them in EVs is of clinical signifi-
            a role in lung resident-MSC propagation, mobilization,  cance [102]. MSC engineering is one way miRNA could
            and the protective effects against acute lung injury [93].  be loaded into EVs and still exert its therapeutic effects
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