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Al-Khawaga and Abdelalim Stem Cell Research & Therapy          (2020) 11:437            Page 9 of 33

            [104–113]. There is a lack of a consensus on miRNA sig-  PGE2 changes the macrophage polarization from M1 to
            nature among MSC-EVs from various sources [114].  M2 [144], IL10 decreases the recruitment of the neutro-
            However, the targeted pathways include Wnt signaling,  phils into the lung [145], and IDO enhances pulmonary
            antifibrotic, mitochondrial fission, cell proliferation, cell  antimicrobial activity [146]. Furthermore, the propaga-
            survival, and apoptosis [115]. Reports showed that the  tion, differentiation, and chemotactic features of B cells
            MSC-EV-mediated delivery of miRNAs in animal      are hindered by MSCs as well [147] (Fig. 2). MSCs can
            models have defined several key target proteins like  further enhance restoration of capillary barrier, restore
            TGF-β receptor 1, Dynamin-related protein 1(DRP1),  alveolar ATP [141], where the secreted growth factors
            Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (Mecp2), PTEN, sema-  KGF, VEGF, and HGF, can exert a protective effect on
            phorin 3A (sema3A), stat3, Cyclin G1, IGF1R, and  the alveolar cells [148]. In ALI models, the KGF mRNA
            P4HA1, NLRP3, and Bcl-2 [9, 104–113] (Table 1).   has been involved in the immunomodulation noticed
              Among the targeted proteins, Sema3A has been found  with MSC-EV treatment [126, 129]. MSC anti-bacterial
            to induce sepsis-triggered cytokine storm through an  effect is further demonstrated in inhibition of bacterial
            interaction with Plexin-A4 and Toll-like receptors  growth [57]. Several preclinical studies examined the
            (TLRs) [116]. Stat3 is another targeted protein, a key up-  therapeutic effects of MSCs and MSC-derived EVs in
            stream stimulator of inflammatory pathways during sep-  animal models of ALI, ARDS, and other lung inflamma-
            sis [117]. Finally, EVs act as biological regulators that  tory conditions [126–143, 149–151] (Table 2). These
            can promote changes in their targets through targeted  studies showed a significant decrease in the inflamma-
            pathways. The cargo of the EVs is enriched with miR-  tory reactions, improved edema clearance, and restored
            NAs and other transcripts that act as regulators of the  epithelial damage (Table 2). A preclinical study reported
            immune system [118, 119]. Therefore, EVs are attractive  that the intratracheal administration of MSCs increases
            tools for clinical applications as immunosuppressants,  the accessibility of MSCs to both the alveolar epithelium
            vaccines, or activators of differentiation and repair pro-  and the pulmonary endothelium [152], where MSCs
            cesses [120].                                     demonstrate reduction in endotoxin-induced injury to
                                                              explanted human lungs [153].
            MSCs and their exosomes as potential therapies      MSC-derived exosomes are a multitargeted biologic
            for COVID-19                                      agent, which can reduce the cytokine storm and reverse
            MSCs have been well described in ALI and ARDS. It ex-  the inhibition of host anti-viral defenses associated with
            erts its function via targeting both infectious, inflamma-  COVID-19 [154]. The functions of the MSC-derived
            tory, and endothelial factors. MSCs can release KGF2,  exosomes have been studied in in vitro and in vivo
            PGE2, GM-CSF, IL-6, and IL-13 to facilitate phagocyt-  models. EVs collected from the conditioned medium of
            osis (Figs. 2 and 3). In addition, multiple clinical studies  BM-MSCs have been used to treat ARDS in a mouse
            [121–125] investigated the effect and mechanism of  model. The results showed that EVs have a similar effect
            MSCs and MSC-EVs on lung injuries caused by different  as MSCs in reducing the inflammation and edema in the
            reasons (Table 2). MSCs and their secreted secretome  lung [126]. The effect of MSCs on macrophage modula-
            exert an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-  tion in ARDS mouse models has been mainly found due
            apoptotic, and anti-fibrotic functions in ALI and ARDS.  to the effect of EVs [127]. Treating mouse alveolar

            Table 1 Studies demonstrating the MSC-EV-mediated transfer of miRNAs in animal models
            miRNA transferred  Target proteins                  Function                              Reference
            miR-let7c          TGF-β receptor 1                 Anti-fibrotic                         [104]
            miR-30             Dynamin-related protein 1        Regulate mitochondrial fission        [105]
            miR-22             Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (Mecp2)  Anti-fibrotic                    [106]
            miR-19a            PTEN                             Cell survival signaling pathway       [107]
            miR-223            Semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) and Stat3  Anti-apoptotic and antiinflammatory  [108]
            miR-122            Cyclin G1, IGF1R, and P4HA1      Anti-proliferative and antifibrotic   [109]
            miR-223            NLRP3                            Anti-inflammatory: decrease pytoptosis and IL-1β  [110]
            miR-181            Bcl-2 and Stat3                  Anti-fibrotic and activated autophagy  [111]
            miR-133            RhoA and connective tissue growth factor  Enhanced plasticity          [112]
            miR-17-92          PTEN                             Cell survival signaling pathway       [113]
            IGF1R insulin-like growth factor receptor 1, P4HA1 prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha 1, NLRP3 NLR pyrin domain-containing 3, RhoA homolog gene family member A, BCL-
            2 B cell lymphoma 2 family
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