Page 33 - so tay du lich Soc Trang 2020 duyet in cuoi
P. 33
Specialties - Cuisine
uùn nöôùc leøo Soùc Traêng laø 01
trong 50 moùn ñaëc saûn ñöôïc
BTrung taâm Saùch kyû luïc Vieät
Nam coâng nhaän, laø moùn aên theå hieän
söï giao thoa vaên hoùa cuûa coäng ñoàng
3 daân toäc Kinh - Khmer - Hoa. Vôùi bí
quyeát rieâng trong cheá bieán taïo neân
söï keát hôïp haøi hoøa giöõa nöôùc leøo
mang höông vò ñaëc tröng cuûa maém
boø hoùc, ngaõi buùn hoøa cuøng vò ngoït
cuûa thòt caù loùc, heo quay, teùp luoäc,
caùc loaïi rau gheùm, theâm chuùt ôùt vaø
chanh töôi seõ laøm cho toâ buùn nöôùc
leøo theâm phaàn ñaäm ñaø vaø haáp daãn.
Nuoc Leo Rice noodle
uoc Leo rice noodle is one
of 50 famous specialties
Nof Vietnam recognized by
Vietnam Records Book Center,
is a dish that reflects the cultural
intercourse of the Kinh - Khmer
- Chinese ethnic groups. With
its own secret in processing, it
creates a harmonious combination
of broth with the typical flavor of
beef sauce, rice noodles mixed
with the sweetness of snakehead
fish, roasted pork, boiled shrimp,
vegetables, more Fresh chillies and lemons will make the vermicelli rice
bowl more charming and attractive.
S oc Tran� Tourism handbook 31