Page 35 - so tay du lich Soc Trang 2020 duyet in cuoi
P. 35
Specialties - Cuisine
BÁNH PÍA Pia cake
aùnh Pía laø 01 trong top 10 ñaëc
saûn quaø baùnh noåi tieáng cuûa Vieät
BNam. Baùnh Pía coù hình troøn,
deïp, ñöôïc bao boïc bôûi nhieàu lôùp da
moûng bao laáy phaàn nhaân ñaäu xanh,
saàu rieâng (hoaëc khoai moân hay möùt
caùc loaïi) vaø loøng ñoû tröùng vòt muoái…
Baùnh chín coù maøu vaøng öôm, thôm,
vò ngoït ñaäm ñaø cho du khaùch höông
vò khoù queân.
IA CAKE is one of the top 10 famous Vietnamese bread specialties.
Pia cake is round and flat, and has bean, durian (or taro or jam),
Pand salted yolk covered by thin skin layers... It is yellow, aromatic
and sweet to bring visitors unforgettable taste.
eø Laùo laø loaïi baùnh khaù quen thuoäc
vôùi du khaùch khi gheù thaêm Soùc
MTraêng. Nguyeân lieäu chính ñeå laøm
Meø Laùo laø meø, khoai moân, boät neáp vaø
ñöôøng. Khi aên, meø laùo gioøn beân ngoaøi, tôi
xoáp beân trong, coù ñoä ngoït vöøa phaûi, hoøa
quyeän vôùi höông thôm cuûa meø chín taïo
caûm giaùc ngon mieäng, khoâng thaáy ngaùn.
e Lao is a cake familiar to visitors
when visiting Soc Trang. The
Mmain ingredients for Me Lao cake are sesame, taro, glutinous
rice and sugar. It is crispy outside, spongy inside, moderately sweet,
blended with the aroma of cooked sesame to create a sense of
S oc Tran� Tourism handbook 33