Page 39 - so tay du lich Soc Trang 2020 duyet in cuoi
P. 39

Specialties - Cuisine

      CỐM DẸP
                                         oám deïp laø leã vaät
                                         cuùng khoâng theå
                                         thieáu trong leã OÙoc
                                     Om Boùc (leã Cuùng Traêng)
                                     cuûa ñoàng baøo Khmer.
                                     Coám deïp ñöôïc taïo neân
                                     hoaøn toaøn töø luùa neáp
                                     môùi, ñöôïc rang vaø giaõ
                                     trong coái ñeán khi haït
                                     luùa neáp deïp. Ñeå coám
                                     deïp ñöôïc ngon thì ñoä löûa
                                     vaø löïc giaõ cuûa chaøy vöøa
                                     phaûi. Coám deïp ñöôïc troän
     vôùi döøa naïo, ít nöôùc döøa töôi vaø ñöôøng caùt traéng, troän ñeàu ñeå khoaûng 30 phuùt
     cho thaám. Khi aên cho theâm ít döøa naïo, ñaäu phoäng rang hoaëc meø ñeå taêng
     theâm vò buøi cho coám deïp. Khoaûng ñaàu thaùng 10 aâm lòch haøng naêm, coám deïp
     ñöôïc baøy baùn nhieàu taïi thaønh phoá Soùc Traêng vaø caùc huyeän, thò xaõ. Rieâng laøng
     ngheà coám deïp thuoäc xaõ Phuù Taân, huyeän Chaâu Thaønh thì cung caáp coám deïp
     quanh naêm.
                                             Rice Flat
          ICE FLAKE is an indispensable sacrifice in the Ooc Om Boc festival
          (worshiping the moon) of the Khmer people. Rice flake is made
      Rfrom the new sticky rice, roasted and pounded in the mortar until
      the sticky rice grain is flat. For a good rice flat, the fire and power of
      pounding should be moderate. Rice flake is mixed with sliced coconut,
      fresh coconut milk and white sugar for about 30 minutes. When eating,
      it is advised to add sliced coconut, roasted peanuts or sesame to be
      more  delicious.  Around
      the beginning of the 10th
      lunar month, rice flake is
      sold in Soc Trang City and
      other districts and towns.
      For the trade village in
      Phu Tan commune, Chau
      Thanh district, rice flake
      is supplied all year round.

                             S  oc Tran� Tourism handbook  37
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