Page 37 - so tay du lich Soc Trang 2020 duyet in cuoi
P. 37
Specialties - Cuisine
Soc Trang gourd cake
aùnh baàu laø moùn baùnh daân gian
truyeàn thoáng ñaëc saéc cuûa ngöôøi
Bdaân tænh Soùc Traêng. Baùnh baàu coù
2 loaïi, ngoït vaø maën, ñöôïc cheá bieán töø
caùc nguyeân lieäu chuû yeáu goàm traùi baàu he bottle gourd cake is a unique
non, boät gaïo, toâm (teùp), nöôùc coát döøa, traditional folk cake of the people in
haønh laù, boät caø-ri… TSoc Trang Province. The cake has
Baùnh baàu ngoït caùch laøm khaù ñôn two flavors, namely sweet and savory and
giaûn, baàu traùi goït voû, baøu laáy sôïi boû is made from the main ingredients of young
bottle gourd, rice flour, shrimps, coconut
ruoät. Tieáp theo, pha boät vôùi nöôùc coát milk, scallions and curry powder.
döøa, cho ít muoái, ñöôøng, boät neâm vaøo. The making of the sweet cake is quite
Sau ñoù, troän ñeàu phaàn boät naøy vôùi baàu simple by peeling the gourd, removing the
ñaõ baøu sôïi roài vaøo xöûng vaø haáp caùch core and julienning the remaining flesh.
thuûy khoaûng 30 phuùt, sau 10 phuùt môû Next, mix the flour with coconut milk, and
naép ra xaû bôùt hôi nöôùc, roài môùi tieáp add some salt, sugar and seasoning powder.
tuïc haáp tieáp. Khi baùnh gaàn chín, cho After that, mix them with the julienne gourd,
theâm haønh laù vaøo treân maët ñeå trang then put the mixture in the steamer basket
trí. Baùnh baàu ngoït ñöôïc duøng vôùi nöôùc and steam it for about 30 minutes. Open the
lid after 10 minutes to release the steam,
coát döøa. then leave it to steam. When the cake is
Coøn baùnh baàu maën ñöôïc cheá bieán almost ready, put scallions on the top. The
nhö baùnh baàu ngoït nhöng khoâng cho cake is served with coconut milk.
ñöôøng vaøo, baùnh haáp ñeán khi gaàn The savory bottle gourd cake is made in
chín thì cho phaàn nhaân vaø haønh laù the same way as the sweet one but with
leân phía treân maët baùnh. Ñeå laøm nhaân no sugar added. It is steamed until nearly
baùnh, toâm baêm nhoû xaøo sô neâm nöôùc cooked, then the topping and scallions are
added on top of the cake. To make the
maém, ñöôøng, ít boät caø-ri cho coù maøu topping, chopped shrimps are stir-fried and
vaøng, baét maét. Nöôùc chaám cho baùnh seasoned with fish sauce, sugar and a little
baàu maën khoâng chæ coù nöôùc coát döøa curry powder for a golden, eye-catching
maø coøn coù ít nöôùc maém chua ngoït ñeå color. The dipping sauce for the savory cake
taêng theâm vò ngon vaø giaûm ñoä beùo is composed of not only coconut milk but
cuûa baùnh. also a little sweet and sour fish sauce to
increase the taste and reduce the rich flavor
Baùnh baàu Soùc Traêng ñaõ ñaït huy of the cake.
chöông vaøng taïi Leã hoäi Baùnh daân gian Soc Trang bottle gourd cake won a gold
Nam boä 2018. medal at the Southern Folk Cake Festival 2018.
S oc Tran� Tourism handbook 35