Page 14 - Kill Your Strong Black Woman
P. 14

Strong Black Women | Depression


                                             BREATH OF FIRE

             Breath of Fire is rapid, rhythmic, and           Sometimes these symptoms are the result of
             continuous. It is equal on the inhale and the    toxins and other chemicals released by the
             exhale, with no pause between them               breath technique. The symptoms may be
             (approximately 2-3 cycles per second). It is     relieved by drinking lots of water and

             always practiced through the nostrils with       changing to a light diet. Breath of Fire is not
             the mouth closed unless stated otherwise.        hyperventilation, nor is it Bellows Breath (see
             Breath of Fire is powered from the navel         below). There are restrictions for doing
             point and solar plexus. To exhale, the air is    Breath of Fire while pregnant and

             expelled powerfully through the nose, by         menstruating. (See Roles & Responsibilities
             pressing the navel point and solar plexus        of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher.)
             back toward the spine. This feels automatic
             if you contract the diaphragm rapidly. To        Sit straight and place the hands in Prayer

             inhale, the upper abdominal muscles relax,       Pose. Close the eyelids 9/10ths. Roll the eyes
             the diaphragm extends down, and the              up and concentrate at the Brow Point. Begin
             breath seems to come in as part of               Breath of Fire for I-3 minutes. Then inhale
             relaxation rather than through effort. The       and hold for 10 seconds. Relax. Stay still and

             chest stays relaxed and slightly lifted          place the hands on the knees in Gyan Mudra,
             throughout the breathing cycle. When done        palms up. Watch the natural flow of the
             correctly, there should be no rigidity of        breath and the constant stream of internal
             hands, feet, face, or abdomen. Begin             and external sensations. Continue for 3

             practicing Breath of Fire for a duration of I-   minutes. Inhale deeply, exhale. Repeat this
             3 minutes. Some people find it easy to do        combination 3-5 times.
             Breath of Fire for a full 10 minutes right
             away. Others find that the breath creates

             initial dizziness or giddiness. If this
             happens, take a break. Some tingling,
             traveling sensations and lightheadedness
             are completely normal as your body adjusts

             to the new breath and new stimulation of
             the nerves. Concentrating at the brow point
             may help relieve these sensations.

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