Page 4 - Viterra Vibe_June 2024 (Final)
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Blue Circle Award

       Viterra’s Cascadia and Pacific port       •   Our work on Elevator Leg
       terminals were recently recognized as        optimization.
       recipients of the Vancouver Fraser Port   •   Our Power Smart lighting
       Authority’s (VFPA) 2023 Blue Circle          upgrades at Cascadia.
       Award for the Energy Action Program.      •   Our work on standardizing
       This award acknowledges and celebrates       operating procedures in
       our commitment to sustainability, energy     our Pellet Plants to achieve
       conservation and best practices in energy    improved kwh/t results.
       management.                          This is the fifth time both facilities have
       Projects that led to the award this year   won the award, having previously been
       include:                             recognized each year in 2017 through
       •   Our ongoing improvements in energy   2020.
           intensity ie. kwh/t handled. We have   The full announcement can be found here.
           been showing consistent decreases   Congratulations to the team in Vancouver
           on a tonnage adjusted basis.     and thank you for your hard work and
       •   Our activities in the following areas:  dedication. It’s recognition like this that
            •   Our work with the Port on our   make us a respected industry leader.
               Strategic Energy Management                                        Top: Cascadia port terminal
               Plan                                                               Bottom: Pacific port terminal
       Viterra approves new Electrical Safety Program

       Electricity continues to play an important   January 2024. The program sets specific   The program is currently being rolled out
       role in our lives. From reducing our energy  principles, guides workers to control and   in person or through computer based
       footprint, to ensuring we use electricity   lower risks, and provides procedures to   training to all operations workers across
       as effectively as possible, our business   ensure safety.  A few highlights on the   our business with special emphasis on our
       is working to ensure that our electrical   major improvements to the program   electrical workers.
       safety is in line with our overall focus on   center around; elimination of the hazards   Our global EH&S department has
       safety.                              of electric shock and arc flash; improving   recommended that the Canadian program
       Viterra’s Electrical Safety Program   risk control methods when dealing with   be used as a guide for other countries to
       encompasses all workers and is about   electricity; increasing emphasis on   follow while updating their own specific
       awareness and understanding of the   “safety by design”; always working on de-  programs.
       dangers and risks of working with    energized equipment; ensuring electrical   Thank you to everyone who reviewed and
       electricity.                         safety processes and procedures are   assisted with updating and rolling out our
                                            fully functional and usable on a day-to-
       We started reviewing our existing program   day basis; and improvements to signage   updated electrical safety program.
       in 2022, with a revamped, company best   leading into and within our electrical
       practice program being approved in   rooms.
       2024 CAR Meetings

       Our annual CAR (Customer Account     merger, a presentation from Alexander   Ernst, CAR from White Star, SK who also
       Representative) meetings took place April  Hassiotis, Global Manager, Research   participated as a speaker on the CAR
       10 in Regina, SK, bringing together over   & Analysis and a CAR panel. Keith   panel. “Whether you are new to the role or
       160 CARs, Regional Marketing Managers   Brownell, MCGM led the CAR panel with   have years of experience, we all learned
       (RMMs), merchants and other colleagues   CARs Alexandra Rossing, Lanette Ernst   something new at the meetings.”
       from across Canada.                  and Trevor Peters discussing how they
       “The annual CAR meetings provide the   structure their day and sharing tips for
       opportunity to bring our CARs together to   their success. The afternoon featured
       collaborate on how we can improve the   breakout discussions and hands-on
       business, share best practices, celebrate   exercises.
       our successes, and network with our   “I believe this was one of the best CAR
       peers,” says Chad Molesky, General   meetings we have held. There was a lot of
       Manager of Country Grain Marketing.  interaction amongst the team giving us
       The morning featured a merchandising   a better understanding of how different   CAR panel discussion. Left to right Keith,
       review, an update on the Bunge x Viterra   aspects of the business run,” said Lanette   Alexandra, Trevor and Lanette.

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