Page 9 - Viterra Vibe_June 2024 (Final)
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       ASSET NETWORK                           At a glance...                        skills and build relationships with
       Viterra supports 4-H across the prairie                                       fellow athletes.
       provinces through a variety of programs   •  Viterra continues to support
       both corporately and locally.              Agriculture in the Classroom SK’s
                                                  Mission Super Human resource
       We were pleased to sponsor and             which teaches students essential
       participate in the 4-H Manitoba Rally      knowledge about good nutrition.
       which took place in Brandon, MB in         Learn more.
       May. Those who stopped by our booth
       were able to learn about food quality    •  The Viterra Regina office collected
       by doing canola quality strip tests, and   donations and hosted a jeans day
       participating in a crop identification     for the Canadian Cancer Society’s
       activity. Viterra staff also provided a grain   annual daffodil campaign. Through   •  Viterra has renewed our partnership
       judging tutorial for 4-H members.          their efforts staff raised $1,025   with the Regina Food Bank through
                                                  which was matched corporately
       Kevin Speidelsbach, Assistant Manager      for a donation of $2,050, which    our Farmers Feeding Families
       from our Grenfell, SK facility was the     was then matched by the Canadian   initiative to provide food insecure
       judge at the recent 4-H Regional Judging   Cancer Society, for an overall     families with more nutritious and
       Competition in Whitewood, SK.              donation of $4,100!                inclusive food choices. To date
                                                                                     we’ve distributed over 600,000
       Angela Niehaus, Customer Account                                              bags of lentils to Regina Food Bank
       Representative from our Killam, AB facility                                   clients and have extended the
       volunteered at the 4-H Alberta Senior                                         program to support hunger relief
       Symposium in May, as well as the Flagstaff                                    organizations in Manitoba and
       District Beef Show and Sale in June.                                          Alberta. Learn more.
       Thank you to all Viterra staff who                                          •  The Viterra Regina office
       supported these and other 4-H events on                                       participates in the University
       behalf of Viterra. We appreciate you taking                                   of Regina and Saskatchewan
       the opportunity to connect with youth                                         Polytechnic’s co-op programs,
       and teach them about our industry!       •  The west territory donated funds   hiring student to give them hands
                                                  to the annual CANstruction event
                                                  which took place in Lethbridge,    on work experience. This winter
                                                  AB in March. The funds were used   we had seven co-op students
                                                  to purchase canned goods, which    working with us for 4 or 8 months
                                                  were then used by Lethbridge       terms. As part of their work term
                                                  College students to build          the students, along with a few
                                                  structures. At the end of the event   members of the HR team, spent
                                                  the food was distributed to various   an afternoon volunteering at the
                                                  food banks in Lethbridge.          Regina Food Bank as a way to give
       Presenting at the 4-H Manitoba Rally.                                         back to the local community.

          We want to hear from you!

        We want to make this a quality newsletter
         that is engaging and informative. If you
         have comments to share on this issue or
         if you have a story idea for an upcoming
        edition, please reach out to us anytime at

                                                •  The central territory donated $1,500   •  Viterra is a silver level sponsor for
                                                  to Caronport Fire and Rescue to    the Saskatchewan Science Centre
                  FOLLOW US!                      purchase equipment and take part   and contributed an additional
                                                                                     $2,000 to the Discovery Fund which
                                                  in BeGrainSafe rescue training.
            We regularly feature community      •  Viterra is pleased to be a sponsor   provides financial assistance to
          investments, corporate achievements     with Maple Leaf Junior Golf to     priority and deserving students
            and other accomplishments on          provide youth across the Prairies   and classrooms throughout the
           our social channels. Follow us on X    the opportunity to participate at   province so they can take part in all
           (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram and     various tournaments to further their   the activities the Science Centre
             LinkedIn and stay connected.                                            has to offer.

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